하동군 녹차산업 혁신클러스터 육성방안

영문 제목
Innovative Green Tea Industrial Cluster Development Plan for Hadong-gun
The objective of this study is to proactively deal with government- driven "Regional Agriculture Cluster Policy" and the changing environment surrounding the green tea industry, which the specialized industry of Hadong- gun, and to develop strategies and action plans for an innovative green tea industrial cluster to strengthen the industry's competitiveness. The findings of the study indicate that Hadong-gun is best suited for creating the innovative green tea industry cluster in terms of the natural environment, the historical and cultural surroundings, and the industrial and economic environment. However, the survey results of local experts on the regional capability of innovation show that the region lags behind in several areas, such as supporting industries by sector and the innovative capability of the "development council" and farmers. Meanwhile, in order to accelerate innovation of other industries, development projects linked to eco-friendly tea cultivation, the modernization of processing facilities, and green tourism should be given top priorities. The development strategies for the Hadong Green Tea Industrial Cluster to enhance its competitiveness are as follows: First, it is important to produce top quality tea products. To this end, it is essential to develop unique Hadong green tea products with top quality, establish a distinguished tea brand, set up a quality control system covering the entire processes from production to distribution, and put the brand promotion system in place. Second, the industrialization strategy to turn Hadong into a hub of green tea-related technology should be initiated. For example, Hadong Green Tea Research Center should be established. Third, the strategy to build the green tea industry complex should be able to vitalize green tourism as well based on the local tourism and cultural resources. Fourth, the above-mentioned strategies can be implemented in three stages, such as laying groundwork, specialization, and maturing. In the stage of laying groundwork, offering intensive education, establishing pertinent network, setting a stage for production, technology development, processing, distribution, public relations and green tourism, and developing a premium Hadong green tea with its brand can be pursued. In the stage of specialization, it is necessary to form a Green Tea Bio-Tech Industrial Cluster in order to facilitate the industrialization of Hadong green tea and to push ahead with various programs which will strengthen the industrial foundation. In the last maturing stage, the globalization of the Hadong tea industry should be pursued by creating a Green Tea Well-being Valley in main cultivation areas, such as Hwagae and Akyang.
[발주처: 하동군농업기술센터]제1장 연구개요1. 연구배경 및 연구목적 12. 선행 연구검토 23. 연구범위와 연구내용 3제2장 농산업혁신클러스터의 이론적 검토1. 농산업혁신클러스터의 개념과 의의 52. 농산업클러스터의 구성요소와 지원체계 73. 농산업클러스터의 발전조건 9제3장 하동녹차 클러스터 환경 분석1. 자연환경 112. 역사·문화적 환경 123. 산업·경제적 위치 14제4장 하동녹차산업 혁신역량 분석1. 산업 부문별 현황과 문제점 172. 현지 전문가의 지역혁신 역량 강화에 대한 의견 233. 하동군 종합발전계획상의 하동녹차 관련계획 31제5장 하동녹차클러스터의 발전전략 추진계획1. 하동녹차의 SWOT분석 412. 하동녹차의 비전구상과 전략 45제6장 하동녹차 혁신클러스터 육성 세부추진계획1. 세부추진사업의 내용 552. 단계별 추진계획 68참고문헌 75부록 1. 하동군 녹차산업 혁신클러스터 육성계획 수립을 위한 개발수요조사표 76부록 2. 녹차 특허 동향 실태 81부록 3. 녹차 생산이력추적시스템 개요 87부록 4. 녹차 품질평가 개요 92부록 5. 일본 녹차 표시기준 96부록 6. 각국 농약잔류 기준 125부록 7. CHADO TEA ROOM TEA LIST(GREEN TEA) 136
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