일제시대 전익수리조합의 전개과정과 그 역사적 의의

영문 제목
The Formation and Historical Implication of Cheonik Irrigation Association in Colonial Korea
This paper is to clarify the formation of early irrigation associations in the colonial Korea, focusing on the case study of Chonik(全益) Irrigation Association. From the early 1910s, there used to be a traditional-style irrigation system called bo(洑) in Ch’unp’o myon, Iksan County, Jeonbuk province. Chonik Association was little innovative in irrigation techniques, but it brought about certain important changes in managing the institution. First of all, it was the Japanese rather than Koreans who initiated a modern system of association. Chonik Association carried out large river projects for regional development too. The Mangyong River improvement project started in its middle reach in 1925. The initial project was further extended by five years to develop the lower reach and a tributary(Iksan Stream) of the river as well. This water project combined with the irrigation project enhancedmuch a synergic effect. However, given the well-established and highly effective irrigation association, the regional rural society far surpassed other ordinary Korean villages in agricultural environments. The dilemma of the colonial development was that as their influences in the region deepened, so the gap between them and neighboring villages widened.
This paper is to clarify the formation of early irrigation associations in the colonial Korea, focusing on the case study of Chonik(全益) Irrigation Association. From the early 1910s, there used to be a traditional-style irrigation system called bo(洑) in Ch’unp’o myon, Iksan County, Jeonbuk province. Chonik Association was little innovative in irrigation techniques, but it brought about certain important changes in managing the institution. First of all, it was the Japanese rather than Koreans who initiated a modern system of association. Chonik Association carried out large river projects for regional development too. The Mangyong River improvement project started in its middle reach in 1925. The initial project was further extended by five years to develop the lower reach and a tributary(Iksan Stream) of the river as well. This water project combined with the irrigation project enhancedmuch a synergic effect. However, given the well-established and highly effective irrigation association, the regional rural society far surpassed other ordinary Korean villages in agricultural environments. The dilemma of the colonial development was that as their influences in the region deepened, so the gap between them and neighboring villages widened.
1. 머리말2. 조합의 개황 및 전사(前史)3. 조합의 창설과 이후 전개과정4. 조합의 재정운영과 조합비5. 하천개수공사와 경지정리사업6. 역사적 의의: 결론에 대신하여
page. 79 - 102
수리; 보; 만경강; 치수사업; 딜레마; irrigation; bo; Mangyong River; water project; dilemma
발간물 유형
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