식품안전관련 법령에서 중앙과 지방정부 간 권한 분배구조 분석

영문 제목
Distribution of Roles of Central and Local Government in the Food-Safety related Law
With the consumer interest in food safety rising, the Korean government is strengthening its efforts to manage food safety. However, the frequent debate about improving the food safety system is largely concentrated on the role of central administrative agencies despite the importance of the role of local governments. The purpose of this study is to analyze the food safety control status of the central and local governments from a legal standpoint. The results show that the central government is mostly given the power of policy and regulation making and local governments share the power of policy and regulation implementation with the central government. Local governments are not given much power in risk communication for food safety.
With the consumer interest in food safety rising, the Korean government is strengthening its efforts to manage food safety. However, the frequent debate about improving the food safety system is largely concentrated on the role of central administrative agencies despite the importance of the role of local governments. The purpose of this study is to analyze the food safety control status of the central and local governments from a legal standpoint. The results show that the central government is mostly given the power of policy and regulation making and local governments share the power of policy and regulation implementation with the central government. Local governments are not given much power in risk communication for food safety.
1. 서론2. 식품안전관련법령의 현황과 구조3. 식품안전기본법에서의 권한 분배구조 분석4. 식품안전관련 개별법령의 권한 분배구조 분석5. 요약 및 결론
page. 37 - 62
식품안전관련법; Framework Act on Food Safety; local government; food safety related law; Framework Act on Food Safety; local government
발간물 유형
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