종자산업의 도약을 위한 발전전략

영문 제목
Development Strategy for Upgrading of the Seed Industry
종자산업은 미래성장동력 산업으로 발전 가능성이 매우 높은 분야로 이를 ‘골든 시드' 산업으로 명명하고 있다. 하지만 실제에 있어서는 골든 시드 산업으로 도약하기 위해 돌파해야 할 난관들이 많이 있는 상태이다. 종자산업 내에서도 식량종자산업은 산업의 민영화를 추진해야 하고, 채소종자산업은 다수의 영세한 소규모 종자회사를 구조조정하거나 육성할 방안을 마련해야 하며, 과수 및 화훼종자산업은 높은 외국산 품종 수입률에 대처하는 방안을 강구해야 한다. 그리고 국내 종자산업의 기본방향 및 지침을 수립할 필요가 있다. 이 연구는 이런 제반 사항에 대해 실태를 파악하고 현실과 현재의 역량에 부합하는 개선방안을 제시하고자 한 것이다.
The purpose of this study is to present ways of developing the domestic seed industry by exploring recent trends of the seed industry and finding out its problems. When the market value of the seed industry in 2010 was estimated, the value of food seeds was 75.4 billion won, vegetable seeds 236.8 billion won, fruit seeds 116.6 won and flower seeds 259.2 billion won. The total market value of the seed industry was estimated, therefore, at 688 billion won. The seed industry is divided into four parts and each part has a different structure. The production and distribution are operated in the food seed industry by the state and in the vegetable seed industry by private companies. In the fruit and flower industry, the production and distribution are indeed partly operated by the state and partly by private companies, but in this case most seeds are imported.According to the investigation on the vegetable seed companies, the proportion of the companies, which achieved in 2012 revenue over 10 billion won, was 36.8 % and the companies of revenue under 5 billion won accounted for 57.9%, but the companies of revenue between 5 and 10 billion won accounted for only 5.3%. Consequently the corporate structure of vegetable seed companies can be seen as a polarization by the large and the small companies. The opinion survey about the agricultural policy for the seed industry shows that 70% of the farmers prefer the production and distributions of food seeds by the state. On the other hand, the majority of seed companies prefer the privatization of the food seed industry. As for the breeding promotion policy, most farmers prefer the promotion of the hybrids breeding to the gene manipulation (GM) breeding for the consumer protection and food safety. For the development of the domestic seed industry, the following measures can be suggested: 1) The basic direction of the seed industry policy should promote the breeding of the hybrid seeds rather than of the GM seeds. The reasons for this are that the safety of GM seeds are still uncertain and the GM breeding ability of domestic industry has no competition ability. 2) In order to protect the indigenous genetic resources from the patent rights of the climate gene by the global enterprises, the Access and Benefit Sharing agreement (ABS) should be executed. 3)The privatization of food seed industry should be introduced gradually. Selecting the seed should be also placed in order. In the transition phase towards privatization, the agricultural cooperative (NACF) plays an important role. 4) To resolve the problem of dual structure in the vegetable seed industry, it is necessary to bring the specialization of certain seeds by the coalition of many small companies. 5) In the fruit and flower industry, the strategy should be developed, in which one accepts the foreign highly qualified varieties as a better technology and looks for ways of cooperation with those foreign companies.Researchers: Soo-Suk Kim, Hyun-Tae ParkResearch Period: 2013. 1 ~ 2013. 12E-mail address: soosuk@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론제2장 종자산업의 특성과 세계시장 동향제3장 국내 종자산업의 현황 분석제4장 종자기업의 운영실태와 글로벌 종자기업의 경영전략제5장 농업인의 종자이용 실태 및 의향 조사제6장 종자산업 발전을 위한 국가정책 및 기업전략제7장 요약 및 결론
농림업 후방연관산업의 전략적 발전방안(3의2차년도) - 농기계·종자·산림종묘
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