한·중 FTA 대비 중국 원예산업의 변화 실태 분석과 대응방안 연구

영문 제목
Analyses of the Chinese Horticultural Industry Against the Korea-China FTA
7년 여의 준비 과정을 거쳐 2012년 5월 시작된 한·중 FTA 1단계 협상이 올해 9월 마무리되었다. 1단계 상품분야 협상에서는 초민감품목의 범위를 품목 수 기준 10%, 수입액 기준 15%로 확정하였다. 이는 한·미, 한·EU 등 기체결 주요 FTA보다 큰 것으로 향후 2단계 협상에서 농산물의 상당수를 보호할 수 있는 여지가 확보된 것으로 평가되고 있다. 한·중 FTA 체결에 따른 농업 분야의 피해는 2단계 최종 협상 결과에 따라 달라지겠지만 중국 농식품 수입구조상 주로 양념채소를 중심으로 밭작물에 집중될 것으로 예상하고 있다. 현재 중국산 신선 과실‧과채는 식물검역 조치로 국내 수입이 금지되어 있어 당장의 피해는 회피할 수 있지만 우리의 과수·과채산업을 잠재적으로 위협하고 있다. 중국의 원예산업은 수출산업으로서의 위상이 한층 강화되고 있어 향후 한·중 FTA 시대를 맞아 국내 원예산업에 미치는 영향력도 더욱 커질 것으로 예상하고 있다. 이 연구는 이와 같은 현실 인식에 기초하여 중국 원예산업의 변화 실태를 종합적이고 체계적으로 분석하고, 이에 기초하여 국내 원예산업의 대응방안을 제시하는 데 초점을 두고 추진되었다. 아울러 향후 한·중 간 농산물무역에서 이슈로 부상할 가능성이 높은 지역화(regionalization) 이슈에 대한 대응방안도 검토하였다.
Background of StudyChina's horticulture industry accounts for a big portion of the agriculture product trade between Korea and China, and has great impact on Korea's domestic agriculture industry. Thus it is important to comprehensively and systematically identify the trend and status of China's horticulture industry in preparation for the FTA between Korea and China.Methods of StudyIn this study, various methods including literature research, statistics analysis, visiting relevant institutes and sites, consigned research, and surveys are utilized to accomplish the purpose of this study. Results and Implications of StudyThis study is to comprehensively identify the current status of China's horticulture industry, which accounts for a big portion of the agriculture product trading between Korea and China and has great impact on Korea's domestic agriculture industry, and to present countermeasures for domestic horticulture industry based on the foregoing findings. The major countermeasures in 3 aspects as a result of this study are described as follows. First, it is urgent that Korea's domestic horticulture industry needs to improve its competitiveness by reducing production costs and production integration under the circumstances that the competition is intensifying between Korea and China. In the Chinese horticulture industry, the labor productivity has been the growth driver and it is turning into high production cost structure having high dependency on intermediate inputs. Our industry needs to consider price competitiveness by reducing production costs for major vegetables and fruits. China is promoting production integration as a measure for overcoming the limitation of the small farm structure and increasing income for agricultural households. We also need regulatory policy to enhance integration between agrifood companies and agriculture producers in response to enhanced competitiveness of the Chinese horticulture industry by production integration. Second, it is urgent that we need to establish a monitoring system on China's horticulture products since the relevant trading between Korea and China has continuously expanded and Korea became more and more dependent on China's Kimchi and its seasoning vegetables. Along with the foregoing, we need to establish and operate a forecast model for China's agriculture industry in order to estimate how the changes in the supply and demand of China's horticulture products affect our agriculture industry, and to apply the outcome in establishing regulatory policies. It is essential for us to rely on the import of China's products for balancing the supply and demand of major domestic horticulture products. Under the circumstances, we need to continuously reinforce food safety tests at sites in China. Thus it is necessary to consider a prior registration system of export companies (manufacturers) and a history tracking system for import companies to enhance prior management on the manufacturing facilities at site. In addition, it is also important that we need to establish a permanent food safety cooperation system with the Chinese government by amending the “Agreement on Food Safety Cooperation” made between Korea and China in 2003. The FTA between Korea and China, in which the first stage of negotiation was concluded and now is in the process of second negotiation, can be defined as the ‘farm product FTA’ from the perspective of trading structure for agriculture products. It is necessary to review mid/long-term investment or finance plans for development of domestic farm agriculture together with measures for damage preservation since the vegetable industry is expected to get damages the most when the FTA between Korea and China is concluded. We need to prepare measures to expand the export of domestic horticulture products to the China market in order to take advantage of opportunities from the FTA. In order to accomplish the foregoing, we need to strengthen the constitution for domestic agriculture products, establish better infrastructure, diversifying strategies for each product items, and establish a strategy for market segmentation, and a strategy focusing on expansion of distribution infrastructure in China. Third, both countries have agreed that they reassure the rights and responsibilities under the WTO/SPS treaty in the first stage of negotiation of FTA between Korea and China. If China raises an issue regarding the regionalization in the second stage, we also need to bring up the case where we have acknowledged the concept of regionalization. However, acknowledging the concept or principle of regionalization does not constitute automatic application and import based on the concept. From the long-term perspective, we need to enhance monitoring on the clean areas in China in preparation of the circumstances when the regionalization principle is applied on the agriculture product trading between Korea and China while it is important to establish international standards regarding the acknowledgement of regionalization, scientific grounds, and risk evaluation and assessment methods. Also we need to reorganize the domestic quarantine system towards enhancing sanitary conditions for importing.Researchers: Hyoung-Jin Jeon, Myong-Keun Eor, Sung-Woo Kim, Jae-Hwan Han Research Period: 2013. 1 ~ 2013. 12E-mail Address: hjchon@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론제2장 중국 원예산업의 발전 현황제3장 중국의 원예산업 정책제4장 중국 원예산업의 생산·유통구조 제5장 중국의 원예농산물 무역 동향과 수출경쟁력제6장 한·중 원예농산물 무역구조와 분업·경쟁관계제7장 SPS 지역화 이슈와 중국의 지역화관리 정책제8장 국내 원예산업의 대응 방안
한중 FTA대비 중국 원예산업의 변화 실태 분석과 대응방안 연구
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