경기지역 농산물의 지역별 특화산업 연구

영문 제목
Agricultural Sales Earnings and Niche Market Development in KyoungKI Province
AbstractThe purpose of the present study is to identify agricultural niche goods inrural development strategies. We utilize the 2000 Korea Agricultural Survey,which in general has been in very limited use due to the fact of categoricalsales variable. We create a new agricultural sales variable which enable us toget much more variability than it was categorized. The present studyparticularly concerns on the effects of environmental agriculture and computerusage on agricultural sales earnings. We found that environmental agriculturehas negative effects on agricultural sales earnings. This is problematic, sinceenvironmental agriculture is regarded as one of the possible salvages for theKorean agriculture in the global system represented by the WTO. However, asexpected, computer usage and it's application are proved to be positivelyassociated with the agricultural sales earnings. The present study concludeswith suggesting some policy issues for the future of agriculture and ruraldevelopment in the 21st centuryfor Korea.목 차1. 서 론2. 연구배경3. 연구방법론4. 자료 및 변인5.분석결과6. 결 론
AbstractThe purpose of the present study is to identify agricultural niche goods inrural development strategies. We utilize the 2000 Korea Agricultural Survey,which in general has been in very limited use due to the fact of categoricalsales variable. We create a new agricultural sales variable which enable us toget much more variability than it was categorized. The present studyparticularly concerns on the effects of environmental agriculture and computerusage on agricultural sales earnings. We found that environmental agriculturehas negative effects on agricultural sales earnings. This is problematic, sinceenvironmental agriculture is regarded as one of the possible salvages for theKorean agriculture in the global system represented by the WTO. However, asexpected, computer usage and it's application are proved to be positivelyassociated with the agricultural sales earnings. The present study concludeswith suggesting some policy issues for the future of agriculture and ruraldevelopment in the 21st centuryfor Korea.
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