2001년도 식품수급표

영문 제목
The Table of Food Supply and Demand in 2001
목 차제1장 식품수급표 작성요령1.1 작성상의 일반원칙1.2 이용자를 위한 참고사항1.3용어해설제2장 결과의 개요2.1개 요2.2 영양공급 상태의국제비교제3장 식품수급표 내역3.1 2001년도 식품수급표(잠정치)3.2 2000년도식품수급표3.3 2001년도 식품군별 영양공급량(1인 1일당)3.4 1인 1년당 식품공급량,1976-20013.5 1인 1일당 식품공급량, 1976-20013.6 1인 1일당 공급에너지,1976-20013.7 1인 1일당 공급단백질, 1976-20013.8 1인 1일당 공급지방질,1991-20013.9 1인 1일당 영양공급량, 1976-20013.10 연도별 영양공급량 및 구성비 (1인 1일당),1976-20013.11 연도별 식품수급표, 1962-1999제4장 식품수급조사표4.1 연도별 국내 생산량4.2 연도별 수출입량4.3 연도별식품공급량4.4 1인 1일당 식품공급량제5장 개별품목의 추계방법5.1 식품군별 추계방법5.2 식품별 감모율5.3영양성분가(100g당) 및 폐기율표제6장 한국인 평균영양권장량제7장 국민 영양섭취량 조사결과제8장 주요 식품 자급률표제9장 국제통계9.1 국별 주요 식품 자급률9.2 1인 1일당 식품공급량9.3 1인1일당 영양공급량과 구성비9.4 식품별 에너지 공급량 (1인 1일당)9.5 식품별 단백질 공급량 (1인1일당)9.6 식품별 지방질 공급량 (1인 1일당)
Promotion for the development of agribusiness venture has beenemphasized to enhance value added in agriculture through increasing efficiencyof the agricultural system, and to vitalize farm and rural economy throughincreasing non-farm income of the farm household in Korea. However, policyprograms for the development of agribusiness venture have various problems suchas confused policy target, goal, and measurements to meet policyimplications.Objectives of this study are as follow ; (i) to establish concept ofthe agribusiness venture and identify implications of the development ofagribusiness venture in Korea, (ii) to identify current situations and problemsof the agribusiness venture in terms of policy programs and business itself,(iii) to suggest promotional strategies for the development of agribusinessventure. Followings are summaries of the major findings.(1) Concept of the venture business implies that "new businesses gethigh returns with new technology and idea, with high risk", in general. Theconcept of agribusiness venture includes all the agriculture related businesseswithout considering size, ownership, and type of business. This is expandedconcept compared with the 'agricultural venture(venture farm)' in terms of therange and type of business. However, there are three different types ofagribusiness venture; Government approved venture businesses in agribusinesssector(Type I), agribusiness firms which are not approved as venture yet(TypeII), and farm(or farmer) which are looking for high value- added products withnew idea and technology(Type III).(2) Government enacted 'Special Law for the Promotion of VentureBusiness' in 1997, and provided various incentives such as low rate capitalloan, cheap business site, technical advice, tax reduction, etc. for theapproved venture business. However, there are inefficiency problems becausethese programs are introduced by the various organizations. Furthermore, theseprograms have obvious limitation to promote agribusiness because there are nospeciality for this sector in the approval process, and limited number ofbusiness incubator in rural area.(3) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry(MAF) introduced programs forthe promotion of agribusiness venture such as providing research fund for thetechnology development of small medium industry (1998), establishingagribusiness specialized investment cooperatives (2001), supporting for themanagement of agribusiness venture incubator (2002), and organizing agribusinessventure investment exhibition and business contest(2002). Although the MAFimproved in terms of policy category, there are questions what is the goal andwho are the target group because the MAF does not have master plan for thedevelopment of agribusiness venture.(4) Number of agricultural venture business is 27 which is 0.2% oftotal government approved venture business 10,182 in 2002. If we expand thecategory of agriculture into agribusiness, this number goes 304, or 3.0% of thetotal venture business. In this case, agribusiness venture consist of foodprocessing(39.8%), farm machinery and agricultural inputs(16.8%), environmentaland new materials(16.8%), and bio-technology(16.4%), etc. Compared with otherventure business, agribusiness venture has less share of RD and venturecapital investment venture, larger share of rural area located venture.(5) According to the survey results, key factors of the successagribusiness are as follows : RD investment to develop new ideaand technology, development of high valued-added new products whichmeet for the consumer's preference, differ-entiation in terms ofprice, production process, and image, etc., specific business modelsuch as membership system, net-working, consumer relation management, link withgreen tourism, etc., introduction of the various marketingstrategies such as electronic commerce and direct market with large shoppingmall.While faced problems of the agribusiness venture arediffered from the stage of development. For example, agribusiness in theplanning stage faced lack of information and special knowledge, startupfinancing and marketing strategies in the starting stage, and market share inthe growth stage venture business. To solve these problems with governmentsupport, most potential agribusiness venture want to get government ventureapproval.(6) There are three principles for the development of agribusinessventure. First, master plan for the promotion of agribusiness venture should beprepared. Since agricultural sector has quite different characteristics, specialprograms for the promotion of agribusiness venture are necessary. Second,agribusiness venture program should be designed for the three different types oftarget group. Especially, government concerns are necessary for supportingRD and business incubator to develop new idea of the starting business,while enforcing linkage with existing government support system throughintroducing venture approval system for the (Type II). Third, promotionalstrategies for agribusiness venture should be designed based on the stage ofdevelopment. For example, providing information and training opportunities arecritical in the planing stage, while capital, appropriate worker, and market areimportant in the opening stage.Following strategies for the development of agribusiness venture aresuggested ; RD for the development of venture idea,education and training to cultivate entrepreneurship, providingtechnology and information to help reasonable decision making,establishing agribusiness incubator at the 'agricultural technology center' inrural area, introducing government approval system for theagribusiness venture, enforcing linkages with related policyprograms of the MAF to solve agribusiness venture's problems such as lack ofcapital and market, etc. reforming government regulation and relatedsystem to promote various business in niche market.
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