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dc.description.abstractCrop insurance, one measure to counter natural disasters, is the most superior system preserving income from accidents. Insurance system has been currently introduced into six agricultural products including apples, and pears. Chestnuts, however, have not been seriously discussed for the object of crop insurance before a series of typhoons resulted in decreasing outputs. The purpose of this study is estimating standard yield table, appraising damage from disasters, preparing incentives for inducing producers, and suggesting a program for an exhibition application. The demand for the insurance has been estimated that about 6~20% of total chestnut farmers would insure. Standard yield tables vary between areas, and the yield and the age of chestnut trees have no significant relationship. The reason is that methods of plantation and caring are not standardized, and are different from region to region. To apply the standard yield tables into the main insurance business, it is required to improve the tables. The appraisal system currently used for crop insurance will be directly applied for chestnuts. It is reasonable to entrust Forestry Cooperatives with field investigation for making good use of the experienced. It takes probably three years to introduce main crop insurance system into chestnut. Preparation for the exhibition application requires a year, and exhibition application needs at least two years.-
dc.description.abstractCrop insurance, one measure to counter natural disasters, is the most superior system preserving income from accidents. Insurance system has been currently introduced into six agricultural products including apples, and pears. Chestnuts, however, have not been seriously discussed for the object of crop insurance before a series of typhoons resulted in decreasing outputs. The purpose of this study is estimating standard yield table, appraising damage from disasters, preparing incentives for inducing producers, and suggesting a program for an exhibition application. The demand for the insurance has been estimated that about 6~20% of total chestnut farmers would insure. Standard yield tables vary between areas, and the yield and the age of chestnut trees have no significant relationship. The reason is that methods of plantation and caring are not standardized, and are different from region to region. To apply the standard yield tables into the main insurance business, it is required to improve the tables. The appraisal system currently used for crop insurance will be directly applied for chestnuts. It is reasonable to entrust Forestry Cooperatives with field investigation for making good use of the experienced. It takes probably three years to introduce main crop insurance system into chestnut. Preparation for the exhibition application requires a year, and exhibition application needs at least two years.-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서 론 11. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 12. 연구 내용 및 방법 23. 선행 연구 검토 3제2장 밤 생산자의 재해보험 수요 분석 51. 조사 목적 52. 조사 개요 53. 조사 결과 74. 재해보험에 대한 수요측 15제3장 표준수확량 산정 191. 표준수확량의 의의와 기능 192. 수확량 자료 현황과 문제점 213. 표준수확량 산정 234. 일본의 표준수확량 355. 표준수확량 산정 결과 및 대안 37제4장 손해 평가체계 구축 391. 손해 평가체계의 원칙 402. 농작물 재해보험 손해 평가체계 검토 403. 손해 평가 기본 방향 424. 밤 재해보험의 손해 평가체계(안) 435. 손해 평가 개요 456. 손해 평가원 확보 및 양성 방안 47제5장 재해보험 관련 통계자료 축적 방안 491. 밤 관련 통계자료 실태 및 문제점 492. 통계자료 축적 방안 50제6장 인센티브 도입 방안 521. 인센티브 도입 목적 522. 인센티브 유형 53제7장 시범사업 시행 방안 541. 기본 방향 542. 시범사업 대상 및 조직 543. 시범사업 방향 55제8장 결론 및 요약 61Abstract 68참고문헌 69부록1 주산지별 표준수확량 73부록2 밤 재해보험 시범사업을 위한 검토사항 86부록3 일본 과수공제(밤) 제도 93부록4 설문조사지 107-
dc.title밤의 농작물 재해보험 도입을 위한 기초연구-
dc.title.alternativeA study for introducing crop insurance system into chestnuts-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameSeok, Hyundeok-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameLee, Sangmin-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameMin, Kyungtaek-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameChoi, Kyeonghwan-
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연구보고서 > 수탁보고서 (C)
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