중국의 중단립종 쌀 생산·수출 잠재력

영문 제목
China’s Production of Japonica Type Rice and the Export Potential
The purpose of this study is to find out the state of rice production and exports in China, especially Japonica type rice, which is expected to make a huge impact on the rice industry in Korea, if it is imported. The study is also aimed at providing fundamental materials and informative data in setting up the rice policies in preparation for future opening of the domestic rice market. As a main grain production area, the northeast region of China has proper conditions to produce Japonica type rice. Japonica rice produced in that area is regarded as the most competitive in the international market in terms of price and quality. It has a stronger price competitiveness than the rice of the US and Australia, which are the main rice exporters. Furthermore, recently-introduced policies by the Chinese government, such as agricultural tax cut and further mechanization, have reduced production costs further. Besides, the Japonica type rice produced in the China's northeast, has strong competitiveness in quality through the application of enhanced production and processing technology. Recently, the Chinese government has made efforts to strengthen the domestic rice supply by supporting grain transportation from the northeast to main cities in the central and southern area. Even though the northeast area has the great production potential of Japonica type rice, currently it is unable to satisfy the increasing domestic demands. In this regard, there is a little possibility that China will export the rice in the near future.Researchers: Chung Chung-Gil and Li ChengguiE-mail: cgchung@krei.re.kr
The purpose of this study is to find out the state of rice production and exports in China, especially Japonica type rice, which is expected to make a huge impact on the rice industry in Korea, if it is imported. The study is also aimed at providing fundamental materials and informative data in setting up the rice policies in preparation for future opening of the domestic rice market. As a main grain production area, the northeast region of China has proper conditions to produce Japonica type rice. Japonica rice produced in that area is regarded as the most competitive in the international market in terms of price and quality. It has a stronger price competitiveness than the rice of the US and Australia, which are the main rice exporters. Furthermore, recently-introduced policies by the Chinese government, such as agricultural tax cut and further mechanization, have reduced production costs further. Besides, the Japonica type rice produced in the China's northeast, has strong competitiveness in quality through the application of enhanced production and processing technology. Recently, the Chinese government has made efforts to strengthen the domestic rice supply by supporting grain transportation from the northeast to main cities in the central and southern area. Even though the northeast area has the great production potential of Japonica type rice, currently it is unable to satisfy the increasing domestic demands. In this regard, there is a little possibility that China will export the rice in the near future.Researchers: Chung Chung-Gil and Li ChengguiE-mail: cgchung@krei.re.kr
제1장 최근 중국의 식량 생산 및 정책 변화 1. 식량 생산 변화 1 2. 식량 정책 변화 3제2장 중국의 식량 생산에서 쌀의 비중과 그 변화 7제3장 중국 동북지역의 중단립종 쌀 생산 현황 1. 동북지역의 중단립종 쌀 생산 변화 11 2. 동북지역 중단립종 쌀(조곡)의 생산비 15 3. 동북지역 중단립종 쌀의 가격 18제4장 동북지역 이외 기타지역의 중단립종 쌀 생산 1. 기타지역의 중단립종 쌀 생산 현황 20 2. 기타지역의 중단립종 쌀 생산 잠재력 22제5장 동북지역과 기타지역 중단립종 쌀의 품질 및 가격 비교 1. 품질 비교 24 2. 가격 비교 27제6장 중국 중단립종 쌀의 소비 동향 및 장립종 쌀에 대한 대체 1. 중단립종 쌀의 소비 동향 29 2. 중단립종 쌀의 장립종 쌀에 대한 소비 대체 현상 30제7장 중국의 중단립종 쌀 수출 현황 1. 쌀 수출 체계 32 2. 수출량과 가격 33 3. 수출시장 34제8장 중국 동북지역의 중단립종 쌀 생산잠재력 36제9장 중국 중단립종 쌀의 수출잠재력 1. 중국 중단립종 쌀의 국제경쟁력 44 2. 중국 중단립종 쌀의 수출잠재력 45참고 문헌 49
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