The goal of the study is to design a way to implement the farm registration program, where farms report their business information that is required for the government to have in order to administrate farm support programs efficiently, and practically apply the information from it to another policies.
Government programs for farmers have been changed from market oriented one to individual farm based one. There will be more programs targeting individual farm such as direct payment, farm income stabilization account and less programs of price support or market intervention. Such a farm based program needs cross-sectional as well as time-series information of individual farms such as cultivated land size, crops growing, number of livestock.
It is necessary to have aggregate management system of farm data to reduce administration cost and also improve accuracy of data. Each farm programs have their own farm application process and their own data management in the current system where they don't share the data and accordingly it is hard to verify the information.
Farms have been diversified in many ways. Their farming size, level of specialization, age of farmers became more different than before. Farmers demand government to offer differentiated farm programs that can align with farm characteristics. As a response of this, it is necessary for the government to manage farm information systematically and provide differentiated tailor-made information for implementing different programs, hence carrying out policy customer relationship management(PCRM).
For the successful implementation of farm registration program, we studied and proposed the following:
First we examined domestic and foreign similar programs. In domestic they are livestock registration, agriculture integrated information excellent system, farm land register. In foreign countries they are IACS in Europe, Customer Statement and Comprehensive Information Management System in US.
Second, we made suggestions on how to carry out the farm registration and where it is supposed to heading toward. Careful consideration is made about who is going to register, method of registration whether it is mandatory or voluntary, register information, and who is going to administer the program.
Third, we examined the laws that can affect the implementation of farm registration and the suggestions were made in how to coordinate them. Reviewed laws are tax laws and laws regarding information protection.
Researchers: Nae-Won Oh, Soo-Suk Kim, Hogun Chong, Myungheon Lee, Wook Ko
E-mail Address: The goal of the study is to design a way to implement the farm registration program, where farms report their business information that is required for the government to have in order to administrate farm support programs efficiently, and practically apply the information from it to another policies.
Government programs for farmers have been changed from market oriented one to individual farm based one. There will be more programs targeting individual farm such as direct payment, farm income stabilization account and less programs of price support or market intervention. Such a farm based program needs cross-sectional as well as time-series information of individual farms such as cultivated land size, crops growing, number of livestock.
It is necessary to have aggregate management system of farm data to reduce administration cost and also improve accuracy of data. Each farm programs have their own farm application process and their own data management in the current system where they don't share the data and accordingly it is hard to verify the information.
Farms have been diversified in many ways. Their farming size, level of specialization, age of farmers became more different than before. Farmers demand government to offer differentiated farm programs that can align with farm characteristics. As a response of this, it is necessary for the government to manage farm information systematically and provide differentiated tailor-made information for implementing different programs, hence carrying out policy customer relationship management(PCRM).
For the successful implementation of farm registration program, we studied and proposed the following:
First we examined domestic and foreign similar programs. In domestic they are livestock registration, agriculture integrated information excellent system, farm land register. In foreign countries they are IACS in Europe, Customer Statement and Comprehensive Information Management System in US.
Second, we made suggestions on how to carry out the farm registration and where it is supposed to heading toward. Careful consideration is made about who is going to register, method of registration whether it is mandatory or voluntary, register information, and who is going to administer the program.
Third, we examined the laws that can affect the implementation of farm registration and the suggestions were made in how to coordinate them. Reviewed laws are tax laws and laws regarding information protection.
Researchers: Nae-Won Oh, Soo-Suk Kim, Hogun Chong, Myungheon Lee, Wook Ko
E-mail Address:
제1장 서 론
1. 연구 배경과 필요성 1
2. 선행연구 검토 3
3. 연구 목적 3
4. 연구내용 및 방법 4
제2장 국내외 관련 제도
1. 국내 관련 제도 6
2. 외국의 관련 제도 19
제3장 농가등록제 도입의 기본방향
1. 농가등록제의 필요성 62
2. 농가등록제 도입의 기본방향 69
제4장 농가등록제 시행방안
1. 등록대상 73
2. 등록방법 76
3. 등록내용 78
4. 관련 제도와의 관계 설정 86
5. 농가등록 관리체계 95
제5장 농가등록제 도입에 대한 설문조사
1. 농업인 의향 조사 103
2. 농정담당 공무원 의견 조사 108
3. 등록항목의 적절성 및 농가의 기장 가능성 조사 113
제6장 농가등록제 도입을 위한 제도 정비
1. 농가등록제 도입에 따른 세제 관련 제도 검토 118
2. 정보보호 관련 제도 검토 131
3. 농가등록제의 법제화 관련사항 검토 137
제7장 요약 및 정책적 제언 143
Abstract 151
참고문헌 153
부록 Ⅰ. 독일 니데르작센주 농업경영체 등록 신청서식 154
부록 Ⅱ. 독일 작센주 통합직불금 신청서식 162
부록 Ⅲ. IACS 관련 EU 위원회 규정의 주요 내용 171
부록 Ⅳ. 영국 농촌지불청(RPA) 등록양식 176
부록 Ⅴ. 일본의 인정농업자제도와 청색신고제도 256
부록 Ⅵ. 농가등록제 도입에 관한 농업인 설문 274
부록 Ⅶ. 농가등록제 도입에 관한 농업인 설문 분석결과 279
부록 Ⅷ. 농가등록제 도입에 관한 공무원 설문 295
부록 Ⅸ. 농가등록제 도입에 관한 공무원 설문 분석결과 300