Korea Rural Economic Institue

농업용수관리 일원화 방안 연구

영문 제목
Constructing an Integrated System for Agricultural Water Management in Korea
김홍상;  심재만
The agricultural water management system (AWMS) in Korea has been guided by two disparate managing subjects: central government-sponsored Korea Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation (KARICO) and grassroot Irrigation Clubs (ICs) with the support from municipalities. With due respect to the historical contexts, however, the current disconnected system has been criticized for its deficiency in supporting agro-producers' demands and securing valuable natural environment and built irrigation facilities in rural areas. That is mainly because about 150 municipalities have shown common lack in financial resources, inter-regional cooperation and technological expertise integral to the proper management of irrigation facilities and arable land under their auspices. Based on the backgrounds, this study aims to suggest a practical way to overcome various defects in the current AWMS in Korea: the merging of the municipal management into an integrated management guided by KARICO. Main suggestions are as follows:
First, the study identified problems in the current system, especially in the municipal management and concluded that it was the most practical solution to the problems to institutionalize an integrated system run by KARICO. The proposed integrated AWMS is expected to enhance the quality of service delivery in the old municipal management and to contribute to the specialization of the agricultural water management in Korea.
Second, in spite of KARICO field workers' preference to the partial merging of municipalities' facilities, the merging needs to be done in a bulk; given restrictions on the budget, substantive improvement in the management of the merged facilities is to be attained on an incremental basis.
Third, it is essential to have farmers participate in the new system, individually and organizationally. Although specific measures will vary according to socio-political situations, educational measures need to be devised to eventually get farmers' labor, management knowledge, or monetary share. In addition, labor contracts in the current AWMS in KARICO need to be made more flexible.
Researchers: Hong-Sang Kim and Jae-Mahn Shim
E-mail address: hskim@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
1. 연구 필요성과 목적 1
2. 연구 방법 4
3. 연구 범위와 주요 내용 5
제2장 지자체 관리 수리시설의 실태와 관리일원화의 필요성
1. 지자체 관리 수리시설의 실태 분석 8
2. 지자체관리지역 수리시설의 관리 현황과 실태 18
3. 관리일원화 필요성 23
제3장 관리일원화 방식에 대한 이해당사자의 의견조사와 합리적 방안
1. 관리일원화 방안에 대한 이해당사자의 의견 조사 29
2. 관리일원화 방식별 장단점 비교와 합리적 방안 선정 33
3. 일괄편입 방안에 따른 주요 검토 과제 36
제4장 농업인 참여 확대와 농업기반공사 조직 유연화
1. 지자체관리지역 농업인 참여 실태 분석 41
2. 농업기반공사관리지역 자율관리조직 운영 실태 분석 47
3. 농업인 참여 확대 방안 53
4. 농업기반공사 유지관리인력의 역할 분담 체계 개선 55
제5장 추가비용 추정과 안정적 예산 확보 방안
1. 비용추정 관점과 시나리오 설정 59
2. 추가비용 추정 63
3. 안정적 예산 확보 방안 67
제6장 관리일원화 실천전략과 정책과제
1. 주요국의 농업용수 관리체계 개편의 시사점 70
2. 관리일원화 실천전략 수립의 전제적 논의 73
3. 관리일원화 실천전략 75
제7장 요약 및 결론 82
Abstract 86
참고문헌 87
부 록 90
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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