Korea Rural Economic Institue

지역 단위의 순환농업시스템 개발

영문 제목
A Study on the Systematization of Region-Based Recycling Agriculture
박현태;  강창용;  김연중;  정은미;  한혜성;  이웅연
Currently, a large amount of agricultural by-products, household waste and various other waste materials are produced in agricultural regions. These waste resources can be used to promote environmental preservation, develop alternative energy, enhance the industry-agriculture linkage, and ultimately strengthen the system for local self-reliance. Lately, the Resource Recycling Agricultural System has been recognized as an effective alternative for the reuse and recycling of resources.
The purpose of this study is to develop the recycling system centering around local farming including rice cultivation, dry-field farming and livestock farming for resource conservation, ecosystem protection, and the production of safe agricultural products through the recycling of organic materials.
To build the Resource Cycling Agricultural System, it is necessary to establish a strong link among those who produce by-products, those who recycle them into new resources, and those who use them. At present, agricultural by-products are widely generated in each local area. However, it is difficult to collect and make use of them for economic gain. Furthermore, no proper linkage is established between suppliers and users.
Secondly, it is necessary to develop technologies that can facilitate the conversion of agricultural by-products into fertilizer, feed, gas and alternative fuels.
Finally, it is also important to establish a utilization system based on the by-products and main crop products in each local area.
Local agriculture must be actively pursued and supported first in order to facilitate this process. Thus, it is crucial to maintain close cooperation and coordination between agricultural communities and organizations by developing local leaders and setting up goals that are suitable to the local situation.
서 론
지역단위 순환농업의 개념과 정책동향
지역단위 순환농업 사례 분석
지역단위의 농산부산물 발생과 자원화 실태분석
지역단위의 자원순환 모델 개발
지역단위의 순환농업시스템 구축방안
요약 및 결론
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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