농어촌 뉴타운 공동체 조성·운영 방안에 관한 연구
- 영문 제목
- A study on the direction of community raising & management for rural newtown
- 저자
- 박문호; 김정섭; 허주녕; 
- 출판년도
- 2008-12
- 초록
- The objective of this study is to draw settlement program and operation program so as to ensure that the community of agricultural and fishing new town may contribute to region by stably settling in the local community and creating new value.
The contents of R&D are as follows. First, the meaning and necessity of policy to create agricultural and fishing new town was highlighted in the tendency of change in population of agricultural and fishing town and the aspect of problem of sustenance of local community. Second, the domestic and overseas situation and case was tried with respect to community of returning to agricultural town or village or the activity of social group in the local community. Third, the program of policy support was studied to develop the local community activity program of agricultural and fishing new town community and to help the stable settlement of agricultural and fishing new town community.
Meanwhile, the suggestions acquired in the result of debates of experts can be largely summarized in the following 4 areas. First, it is required to develop/practice support program by reflecting diverse requirements in each step of the course of returning to rural town so that the dwellers of agricultural and fishing new town can smoothly settle in the local community. Second, it is necessary to create atmosphere and incentive so that the existing inhabitants of business region may understand business contents and positively respond and cooperate. Third, as the business of creating agricultural and fishing new town has to perform diverse support programs such as residence, economic activity, integration of local community, etc., it is essential to organize the business task force team so that relevant self-governing body can perform proper functions. Fourth, the experts in private sector or NGO need to participate in helping adaptation after recruiting those who wish to return to rural town, supporting the decision of immigration and the immigration. Fifth, the local community program that provides those returning to rural town with economic opportunity and all local community with public interest can be very important opportunity for successful settlement of agricultural and fishing new town community in the region.
Based on the result of surveying above case and reflecting the opinion of experts, it is required to develop policy program that will support the smooth settlement of agricultural and fishing new town dwellers in local community for stable settlement of business of constructing agricultural and fishing new town. The process of agricultural and fishing new town dweller's decision making can be divided into 2 stages, ‘before moving in’ and ‘after moving in’. The contents of support program necessary for 2 stages will be different.
As implementing such complex business independently by 1 department of rural city or county is subject to limit, it is required to organize department of TF team which will be exclusively in charge of pushing forward the business and constitute cooperating entity with private sector.
Researchers: Moon-Ho Park, Jeong-Seop Kim, Joo-Nyung Heo
E-mail address: mhpark@krei.re.kr
- 목차
- 서론
농업인력 현황과 농어촌 뉴타운 조성정책의 의의
우리나라의 귀농 현황과 정책
귀농 정착사례 분석과 농어촌뉴타운 공동체 조성 및 운영 프로그램 개발 요구
농어촌뉴타운 공동체 조성·운영 프로그램 구상
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- C2008-61
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/15342
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