서울대학교 그린바이오 첨단연구단지 조성을 위한 기본 구상
- 영문 제목
- The Plan for Establishing Green-Bio Research Complex of Seoul National University
- 저자
- 오세익; 박시현; 김창길; 김용렬; 우병준; 김정섭; 박주영; 이상건; 김경수; 김연희; 
- 출판년도
- 2007-07
- 초록
- 1. Research Background
Since the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) of Seoul National University (SNU) was relocated to the Gwanak Campus (located in Seoul), the CALS experimental farm and the ranch left in the Suwon Campus (located in Gyeonggi Province) have become aged to the extent that they cannot be used for educational purposes. In particular, the urbanization of the adjacent areas of the Suwon Campus, where the CALS facilities remain, has led to the residents' filing of complaints about the experimental farm, making the conditions for research at the location less favorable. The CALS experimental farm in Suwon was opened in 1906. Since then, it has played an important role in the development and dissemination of modern agricultural technologies and has led the agricultural development of Korea. In 2003, the CALS of Seoul National University was moved to the Gwanak Campus, while the experimental farm and ranch were left in the Suwon Campus. Currently, the deterioration of facilities and the space shortage have become key issues. In addition, as the sale of the Suwon Campus land is in progress, the Suwon City government plans to purchase the experimental farm and ranch as well.
As the knowledge-based era has dawned, which is rooted in state-of-the-art sciences and technologies, a paradigm shift is taking place in agriculture too, while the focus of agricultural production is moving toward agricultural and life sciences. With the advancement of the bio industry, it is inevitable for agriculture to seek new technological innovations. At this juncture, it is an urgent task to modernize the experimental farm and ranch in line with the initiative of building a comprehensive SNU Campus. The bio industry, the key axis of life sciences, is emerging as a leading industry in the global market and will become a core competence of the country in the future. That is why the advanced countries in the bio industry are making great efforts to commercialize bio technologies through country-level support and global network building.
SNU has endeavored for years to contribute to the development of the Korean bio industry and bring about a dramatic turning point for the university's growth. It has tried to modernize the CALS farm and the ranch and build a world-class bio research complex (approx. 300ha). In a related move, the "Master Plan for Establishing Green-Bio Research Complex" was drafted in May 2006. The Master Plan has the purpose of responding to the social demand for the bio industry, building a close collaboration network between the industry, universities, and research institutes through the relocation of SNU CALS experimental facilities to Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, and building a bio industrial cluster to enhance national competitiveness through the fostering of high-quality human resources and world-class bio R the organizational structure of a tripartite consultative body among the industry, the university, and the government; and the role sharing by related subjects
? Suggestions for setting up the roles of the green-bio research complex
- Assign the three major roles of research, education, and profitable business through university-based enterprises
- Lay out six bioresearch units (Ecological Engineering Research Center, Bio-resources and Material Research Center, Advanced Processing Research Center, Bioassay and Certification Research Center, Clean Animal Research and Development Center, Sustainable Agriculture Research Center) for conducting bioresearch in 19 research fields
- Set up the objectives of education role as training bio-experts, providing opportunities of field education, and fostering human resources in regional community and related fields
- Provide six kinds of business models: production-processing-marketing model; tourism experiences model; production process and quality certification model; consulting and professional service model; technology training and education model; and licence and research project model
- 목차
- 과업의 개요
그린바이오 첨단연구단지의 비전
그린바이오 첨단연구단지의 기능정립을 위한 여건 분석
그린바이오 첨단연구단지의 기능
수익사업 모델
그린바이오 첨단연구단지 스페이스 프로그램 구상
그린바이오 첨단연구단지 운영 방안
그린바이오 첨단연구단지 조성사업 추진 방안
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- C2007-20
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/15388
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