농업환경자원정보의 정책적 활용방안 연구
- 영문 제목
- Policy Application of Agricultural Environmental Resources Information
- 저자
- 김창길; 신용광; 이상건; 김태영; 김홍상; 조경출; 
- 출판년도
- 2007-12
- 초록
- Agricultural environmental resources information refers to what is related to environmental factors such as soil, water and air which are absolutely essential for farming, and is systematically and comprehensively incorporated into the agricultural environmental resources information system. It is necessary that the system be established for solving agriculture related problems and for promoting sound eco-friendly farming. This study is intended to address how to apply policies for agricultural resources information.
This report consists of as follows: the introduction presents the necessity of the study, purpose and scope of the study, and review of prior studies; chapter 2, concept and system of agricultural environmental resources; chapter 3, survey results of applications of the resources; chapter 4, cases of utilizing the resources at home and abroad; chapter 5, interrelations with polices and approaches to the resources, comparisons with environmental conditions, evaluations of performance and development of policy, and roles of the parties concerned; and chapter 6, summary and conclusion.
In brief, the major findings of the study are described as follows:
First, a survey was conducted to determine how land utilization information is being applied by the users; it is shown that farmers mostly use data on optimal cultivation of lands, and policy makers the data on land use areas by land category, and specialists the optimal cultivation of lands and cultivation areas.
Second, regarding to what extent that land related data is being used, farmers are found to mostly use data on soil fertility, nutrient contents, chemical residues, and heavy metal contents; administrators heavy metal contents and chemical residues; and specialists soil fertility, nutrient contents, and heavy metals. Soil data was utilized at the following intervals: one year for nutrient contents, 2 to 3 years for heavy metal contents and soil fertility, and 4 to 5 years for the distribution of microorganisms in soil.
Third, regarding nutrients, this study shows that farmers and administrators mostly use data on chemical fertilizers and excess nutrients. Nutrient data was referred to at the following intervals; one year for consumption of chemicals and numbers of livestock, and about 2 to 3 years for others.
Fourth, it was examined how much farmers contributed to providing agricultural resources information: farming practices accounted for 35.6%, environmental perception 29.2%, local environmental evaluation 23.5%, and consumer promotions 10.2%. The agricultural environment resources information is provided to farmers through various means: farming techniques related institutions (50.5%), farmers and eco-friendly agricultural organizations (22.3%), agriculture journals and articles (16.8%), internet (5.0%), etc.
Fifth, agricultural environmental information is being applied locally through the soil information system (of physical and chemical properties of soils, optimal cultivation areas, and soil fitness) provided by the National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (NIAST) and the rural topography and integrated farmland information system by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and Korea Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation (KARICO) for the efficient conservation and management of farmland.
Sixth, foreign cases of using agricultural environmental information are as follows: geographical positioning system for farming and rural development by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the soil information system (including surveys of soils) by Agriculture STONE model of the Netherlands for the extensive management of nutrients; and the IRENA Project initiated by the European Environment Agency for the integrated management of agricultural environment concerns in 15 EC countries.
Seventh, approaches to agriculture and environment related policies include utilization of simulations and DSR, drive-status-response provided by OECD. Policy models were evaluated using agricultural environmental information: directional non-circular graphics and standardized agriculture and environmental models discussed by OECD Agriculture & Environment Agency.
Eighth, an agricultural environmental indicator was presented by comparing farming conditions among OECD members, and pre- and post-evaluations of agricultural environmental policies were reviewed by using agricultural environmental information. A nutrients loading system was presented by using indicators of nutrient purchase and consumption.
Lastly, for an agricultural environmental policy to be effective, it is necessary to appropriately assign roles to administrators, experts, and farmers. It is needed for administrators to have interests and provide financial supports for R&D in order that reliable and highly practical agriculture and an environmental information system can be established.
- 목차
- 제1장 서론
제2장 농업환경정보의 개념과 구성 체계
제3장 농업환경정보의 활용도 조사
제4장 국내외 농업환경정보 활용실태
제5장 농업환경자원정보의 정책연계
제6장 요약 및 결론
참고 문헌
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- C2007-30
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/15425
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