젖소개량 시설 이전을 위한 타당성 조사연구

영문 제목
A Study on the Feasibility of Moving Dairy Cattle Improvement Center
The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility and strategies of moving DCIC(Dairy Cattle Improvement Center) to a new place. To this end, this study interviewed expert group to derive necessary conditions on deciding alternative places and assign relative importance among the derived conditions. With the derived conditions, this study examined total 13 places which was recommended by several local government. To investigate the feasibility of moving DCIC, the study conducted field survey twice on 13 recommended places. The survey result showed that 7 places has better conditions among 13 places. SWOT analysis performed on the chosen 7 places, and the result suggested that 3 places are better than other places. The three places are Kangwondo Hongcheon, Cheonbook Jeongeup, and Kyungbook Youngyang. AHP analysis was conducted to prioritize the final 3 places and the result is that Hongcheon is the best suitable alternative place. Andong is the next appropriate place of moving. This study pointed out several things. First of all, government and DCIC have to organize task force team to facilitate related law issues. Also the task have to try to find the new alternative place of moving. These works have to go along with an effort to get enough budget. Finally, this study argued that DCIC and government make a mutual effort to have full support from other related organizations to continue the dairy herd improvement program until the moving of DCIC.
제1장 서론제2장 이전 후보지 선정을 위한 선행 조사제3장 이전 관련 법률문제 검토제4장 이전 후보지 현장 조사제5장 이전 후보지 분석 및 이전 방안 검토제6장 결론 및 제언부록요약ABSTRACT표·그림 차례참고문헌현황실측도 및 경사각 도면
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