Korea Rural Economic Institue

2009 울진 세계 친환경농업 엑스포 평가 및 사후관리 방안

영문 제목
The Evaluation of Organic Food EXPO Uljin Korea 2009 and Follow-Up Management Method
김정섭;  허주녕;  채종현
2005 event was evaluated as the momentum to enhance the image of Uljin-gun as a central region of the environment-friendly agriculture, as well as providing the coordinates of the Korean agriculture in coping with the change of the world agriculture environment. In addition, it gave birth to the activation of the local economy in various sectors as the Expo Event itself.
This research puts the purpose in evaluating the general affairs of the second Expo Event systematically. Based on the evaluation result, it attempts to suggest the continual development of the Uljin-gun environment-friendly agriculture, and the effective follow-up management method of the Expo park in consideration of the future regular opening.
Primary research contents are as follows:
① Research contents measure the direct and indirect ripple effect of the local economy of the Expo opening. ② They analyze visitors' satisfaction. ③ They assess the operation and management of the Expo event, and draw the revision method. ④ They review several kinds of the domestic and international Expo-related materials and draw implications. ⑤ They suggest follow-up measurement methods in an anticipation of the regular opening of the Uljin environment-friendly Expo park facilities.
Organic Food EXPO Uljin Korea 2009 was held in Uljin Wangpicheon Expo Park under the theme "Environment-friendly agriculture" and "Life industry, protecting nature and human beings." The organizations of 24 overseas nations were participated in this event, which was held for 24 days from July 24, 2009 to August 16, 2009. In terms of domestic participation, the number of participation enterprises was 129, and the number of institutions or groups was 51.
It was estimated that firsthand income in the Uljin-gun, which occurred due to the second Expo, whose visitors were approximately 1,150,000, was about 75,100,000,000won. ① The income of admission fee: 5,493,400,000won (ticket sales: 4.1 billion 45,000,000won, the sponsorship fee of the official sponsor: 1,051,000,000won, sales revenue: 178,270,000won, The Booth Rental fee of the business hall: 119,130,000won) ② Sales volume of Lodging service sector: 12,673,000,000won ③ catering sales: 27,592,000,000won ④ agriculture special product sales: 12,433,000,000won ⑤ Sales volume of Transportation (gas, etc): 16,937,000,000won.
There are several tasks to perform for the continual development of Uljin-gun as a central region. Several directions can be suggested for the continuous utilization of the Wangpicheon Expo park as followings:
First, all sorts of education training, academic activities, and business activities in relation to environment-friendly agriculture should be frequently proceeded in Uljin-gun regardless of Expo for the solidification as the central region of the environment- friendly agriculture. Second, some facilities in Wangpicheon Expo Park can be open to tourists at any time in order to be utilized as seeing attractions.
제1장 연구 개요
제2장 행사 개요
제3장 재정 운영과 지역경제 파급 효과
제4장 방문객 만족도
제5장 행사 참여업체, 조직위 운영진, 자문위원회 등의 평가
제6장 행사장의 사후 활용과 울진군 친환경농업 및 농촌관광 발전 방안
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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