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dc.description.abstractAs people are more worried about food security, farmland preservation is drawing more attention from the government as well as the public. According to a recent survey on social consciousness, about 80% of people point out the significance of preserving the farmland. However, the current system to preserve the farmland has several limitations due to such factors as the ambiguity of the term "necessary acreage of farmland" to secure food supply. To make it worse, the recent abolition of a scheme to designate alternative farmland makes it more challenging to keep the necessary acreage for farming. The reformation of the farmland preservation system has to be directed in a way that secures an essential acreage of farmland. We need to restrict the usage of land so that it can not be used for purposes other than agricultural activity in rural development regions. When it is diverted to other purposes, a certain portion of the loss should be made up with a new farmland, possibly from land reclamation. To prevent the development made without any thoughts to the environment, we are proposing to designate a district called “common facility district” where all the facilities not related with agricultural production will be constructed in a designated area. It is necessary to modify the system such that the government levies heavy penalties for diverting the preservation farmland to other purposes and compensates the loss that may be incurred when the diversion of farmland into more profitable industrial or residential land is prevented.-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 농업진흥지역제도의 운용실태와 문제점제3장 농지보전 및 규제완화의 이론과 현실제4장 농지수급 분석제5장 외국의 농지보전제도제6장 농지관리 및 보전에 대한 설문조사제7장 농지보전 및 농업진흥지역 제도 개선방안제8장 요약 및 정책적 제언부록 1: 전국 시?군?구 용도지역 폐지 전후 평균 공시지가부록 2: 농지보전에 대한 국민의식조사 결과부록 3: 농지보전에 대한 농지담당 지방공무원 설문조사 결과참고 문헌-
dc.title농지보전과 농업진흥지역제도 개선방안-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Reforming the Farmland Preservation System-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Soosuk-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Jeongho-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Changho-
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연구보고서 > 수탁보고서 (C)
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