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dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study can be described in two ways. One is to state several disputes on setting long term plan about agricultural cooperation between North and South Korea. The other is to preview some points that need to be included in the bill to achieve the goal. This study consists of five separated parts such as conditions in North Korean agriculture, a process of agricultural cooperation between North and South Korea, long term strategy on cooperative trades, reviews on existing regulations, and contents to be included in bills regarding the cooperation. Current conditions of agricultural sector and agricultural policies are stated in chapter two. The necessary conditions and requirements of North Korean agriculture are captured and discussed for the cooperation. In third chapter, the process of cooperative trades from mid-nineties is presented and analyzed to reveal the problems. Significant subjects of methods and targets in cooperative trading are discussed in fourth chapter. Some methods to construct a successful system are suggested. The current aspects and outlook for the fishery of North Korea are stated in fifth chapter. South Korean regulations regarding aid and trade are reviewed in the next chapter. Finally suggestions are given for successful cooperative trades in the fields of legal basis, policy making and promoting systems, cooperative and aid plans, funding, and etc.-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 북한농업 실태와 농정제3장 대북 농업교류협력의 전개제4장 대북 농업교류협력 방향제5장 수산부문 대북교류협력 증진 방향제6장 대북 교류협력 관련 제도제7장 남북 농수산교류협력 증진을 위한 제도 구축 방향제8장 요약 및 결론부록 : 중국·대만(?岸) 간 교류협력의 전개 및 현황참고 문헌-
dc.title남북 농수산교류협력 증진을 위한 제도적기반 마련에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeStudy on the System to Promoting Inter-Korean Agricultural Cooperation-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Younghoon-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKwon, Taejin-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameJeon, Hyoungjin-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameNam, Minji-
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연구보고서 > 수탁보고서 (C)
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