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dc.description.abstract최근 들어 시장개방의 확대와 경기침체 등으로 인해 사회전반적으로 갈등 수준이 높아지고 있다. 농업·농촌부문에서도 새만금간척사업, 한·미 FTA, 농협개혁 등을 둘러싸고 분쟁과 갈등이 생성되었으나, 합리적인 사회적 기제를 통해 해결되지 못하고 있다. 또한 공공갈등을 관리하는 제도가 도입되었으나 실효성 있는 제도로 정착하지 못하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 이 연구는 농업·농촌부문의 공공갈등 사례분석을 통하여 갈등의 구체적 내용과 함께 공공갈등 관리의 현 수준을 보여주고 있다. 나아가 이 연구는 농업·농촌부문의 갈등관리 방안을 모색하여 개선안을 제시하고 있다.-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to derive an effective way of managing conflicts by investigating conflicts of interest and conflict management under a theoretic and institutional framework, and suggest a guideline for improving conflict management in the agricultural and rural sector. In May 2008, the ministry of agriculture (MIFAFF) organized the Committee for Conflict Deliberation and Management (CCDM). The committee is currently in operation with a newly comprised committee that began operation early in 2010. However, the actual workings of the committee are as good as nonexistent and the institutional setup amounts to nothing more than a matter of formality. For case study, this paper examined two cases of public conflict management: (1) the separation of National Agricultural Cooperative Federation's banking sector from its non-banking sector and (2) the conflict surrounding the use of the Haenam reclaimed land. The following suggestions are made based upon the results of this study:(1) The CCDM is not effective in resolving conflicts and should be overhauled so that it can engage in practical discussions and help resolve conflicts.(2) The newly introduced Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) did not take root due to low utilization. Therefore, the operating system should be expanded and overhauled so that it can be the principal tool for managing public conflicts.(3) Manpower and budget should be expanded for CCDM to mediate conflicts more actively.(4) Fostering and training of conflict specialists and mediators is urgently needed. Since each case of conflict is uniquely different depending on the field of specialty, it is necessary to raise specialists who are suited to the task of resolving conflicts in the agricultural and rural field.(5) What needs to accompany the institutional improvement of public conflict management is the activation of a software that can effectively operate a conflict management system. In order to operate a conflict management system effectively, first, it is necessary to try to manage a conflict experimentally and create a successful case. Then the system needs to be implemented across the board and bring about changes to the perceptions and behaviors of stakeholders.Researchers: Soo-Suk Kim, Sang-Jin MaResearch period: 2009. 12. - 2010. 6.E-mail address: soosuk@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 사회갈등의 이론적 분석제3장 공공갈등관리제도 운용실태제4장 농업·농촌부문 공공갈등사례 분석제5장 공공갈등관리의 방향 및 개선방안제6장 요약 및 결론-
dc.title농업·농촌부문 공공갈등사례와 갈등관리방안 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Public Conflict Management in the Agricultural and Rural Sector-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Soosuk-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameMa, Sangjin-
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연구보고서 > 정책연구보고 (P)
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