1. 머리말
2. 쌀 전업농 육성정책의 추진현황과 당면 문제점
3. 수도작농업 및 쌀 전업농의 지역사례 분석
4. 쌀 전업농의 발전방향과 정책개선방안
5. 맺음말 The objectives of this study are to review the policy of developing
specialized rice farms and prospects of the number of farm labour in the rice
industry, and to find out problems faced by the policy and the rice specialized
farms, and then also to provide desirable policy measures for rice farming.
We need to pay much attention on both efficiency and stability of the rice
industry considering the multi-faceted role of paddy field. In order to develop
rice farming entities, which are much reliant to land, small and diversified
farms need to be organized in a region.
A typical rice farming model or bench marking rice farming system can be
developed considering regional farming conditions.
Therefore, specialized rice farming entities should be developed in line with
specificities of the region, community development plan, and regional