1. 문제의 제기
2. 농업투자의경제성 기준
3. 정책자금 융자지원조건의 적정성 분석
4. 맺음말 This study theoretically examines the agricultural investment and the
criteria of assisting policy loan, and proposes the appropriate loan rate and
the terms of redemption considering the current situation of the Korean
agriculture through the case studies on the farm management of Korean cattle and
rice cultivation.
Major results of the study are as follows. As the specific criteria of
assisting policy fund, loan rate should be determined within the level of rate
of capital return in agricultural sector with reflecting the procurement rate of
policy fund.
The terms of a loan must be determined with reflecting the speciality and
specificity on the investment facilities considering the recovery periods of
capital and durable years in law. Also, it is desirable to set up the terms of
deferment up till the point of time of outbreaking profit, and the terms
of redemption up till the duration periods of profit.