양축농가의 가축분뇨처리에 관한 의사결정 메카니즘
영문 제목
- Livestock Farmers's Decision Making Mechamism on the Choice of Livestock Manure Treatment Methods
- 허덕; 정민국
- 2001-06
- 1. 서 론
2. 가축분뇨 처리방법 및 운영현황
3. 가축분뇨 처리에 있어서의 제약
4. 가축분뇨 처리방법 선택의 전제조건과 의사결정 메카니즘
5. 축종별 ·처리방법 및 체계별 비용 비교
6. 가축분뇨 처리에 있어 규모의 경제성 분석
7. 요약 및 결론
There are so many treatment methods of livestock manure.
But from the farmers' perspective, there are many restrictions,
also. Environmental externalities from livestock manure can affect
livestock farmers' decision making on the continuancy of livestock management
and farm location, etc. Environmenal internality from manure can affect
decision making on livestock breeding management methods. Legal and
technical restrictions can widely affect decision making on treatment level and
system of livestock manure, the possibility of fund supply, etc.
On the view
point of farmer' priority, environmental restrictions can be considered first,
followed by legal restricions, and thirdly techinical and economic restricions.
After considering all restrictions, a few methods remain. In the remaining
methods, farmers may select the most economic method.
발간물 유형
- KREI 논문
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/17179
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