1. 서 론
2. 농공단지개발사업의 추진경과
3. 농공단지개발사업의 평가
4. 농공단지개발사업의 개선방향 The objectives of this study are to review the achievements and problems of
Rural Industrial Complex Project(RICP), and to suggest new directions for RICP
and Rural Industrialization Policy(RIP).
RICP has contributed to the enlargement of non-farm income and to the
vitalization of rural economy. But as the circumstances of rural society change,
so RICP needs to be modified.
The main forcus of RICP needs to be put on the revitalization of the existing
Complexes(enterprises). The future Compexes, although the number is expected to
be very few, have to be formed in the context of industrial location policy.
It is necessary that RIP be promoted in light of industrial location policy
and regionally balanced development policy of the national economy. Also it is
important that local governments have to play the major roles in achieving those