DC Field Value Language
dc.description.tableofcontents1. 서론 중국의 화훼 생산구조2. 중국의 화훼 생산구조3. 중국의 화훼소비·유통 현황4. 중국의 화훼 수출입과 한·중 교역 실태5. 중국 화훼산업의 경쟁력 검토와 향후 대책6. 결 론-
dc.description.tableofcontentsThe Chinese floricultural industry has been growing by an annual averageincrease of 16.3% during the past 20 years. Now the floricultural industry isbrought up as export items.Also China's floricultural industry is growing rapidly as the Chinesegovernment is actively fostering the industry through the introduction offoreign capital and technology. Although the level of Chinese cultivationtechnology is under than Korea, China is expected to rise as a competitor in theexport market.Therefore, the Korean government needs to establish policy measures toovercome with Chinese competition in the export markets so as to allow for thecontinuous development of the Korean floriculturalindustry.-
dc.title중국 화훼산업의 실태와 전망-
dc.title.alternativeChina's Floricultural Industry : Situations and Prospects-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameLee, Doosoon-
dc.contributor.alternativeNamePark, Kihwan-
dc.contributor.alternativeNamePark, Hyuntae-
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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