1. 머리말
2. 식품표시제도의 이론적 검토
3. 식품표시제도의 주요 논점
4. 우리나라 식품표시제도의평가
5. 맺음말 This paper is to trace the economic theory behind food labeling and present
several case studies in which the government has intervened in labeling
decisions. Food labeling plays a role of matching a product with consumer
preferences by transforming credence characteristics of food into search
characteristics in the food market.
A review of selected literature highlights several points raised in labeling
such as the the amount of information voluntarily supplied by private
firms, the role of third-parties in standardizing and certifying the veracity of
the information, and the costs and benefits of government intervention in
The case studies are geographical indications, country-of-origin labeling,
organic labeling, Korean Standard, Korea Traditional Standard certification, and
other labeling policies. They involve different sets of social, economic, and
scientific objectives and illustrate the observation that the impetus for
government involvement in food labeling originated from many different sources,
including the government, consumer groups, and producer