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dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstractIn Korea, the agriculturalmarketing patterns have been changing like the portion of large-scale retaileris increasing. To maintain a vertical relationship, it is important to meet thesupply conditions of raw products in terms of a stable and uniform quality atall times. The local cooperatives must adopt the post-harvesting technologiesand invest the nonphysical capital for developing the market options. This largeinvestment results in high fixed costs so that the farmers' participation is avital factor. It is more effective strategy that the local cooperatives firstinvest in marketing activities and then search a good measure encouragingfarmers' participation. Main focus in this paper is to improve the pricingschemes for encouraging farmers' participation in cooperative marketingactivities.1. 문제제기2. 유통협동조합의 조합원 참여 결정요인3. 지역농협 유통사업 가격설정체계와 문제점4. 조합원 사업참여 활성화를 위한 가격설정방안5. 요약 및 결론-
dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstractIn Korea, the agricultural marketing patterns have been changing likethe portion of large-scale retailer is increasing. To maintain a verticalrelationship, it is important to meet the supply conditions of raw products interms of a stable and uniform quality at all times. The local cooperatives mustadopt the post-harvesting technologies and invest the nonphysical capital fordeveloping the market options. This large investment results in high fixed costsso that the farmers' participation is a vital factor. It is more effectivestrategy that the local cooperatives first invest in marketing activities andthen search a good measure encouraging farmers' participation. Main focus inthis paper is to improve the pricing schemes for encouraging farmers'participation in cooperative marketing activities.-
dc.title조합원 유통사업 참여 활성화를 위한 가격설정체계-
dc.title.alternativePricing Schemes for Encouraging Farmers Participation on the Marketing Activities in Korean Agricultural Primary Cooperatives-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameHwang, Euisik-
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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