purpose of this paper is to analyse the changes in the consumption expenditure
and the consumption inequality of rural households for the past ten years. We
disaggregate household consumption into different expenditure components such as
food, housing, transportation, education, social fellowship and assess the
contributions of these components to total consumption inequality. In addition,
the total inequality of a population is broken into various subgroups in terms
of the size of cultivated land and farming type and the inequality existing
within subgroup of the population and the inequality existing between them are
1. 머리말
2. 분석자료
3. 엔트로피 불균등도지수와 불균등도 분해 분석
5. 맺음말 Abstract
The purpose of
this paper is to analyse the changes in the consumption expenditure and the
consumption inequality of rural households for the past ten years. We
disaggregate household consumption into different expenditure components such as
food, housing, transportation, education, social fellowship and assess the
contributions of these components to total consumption inequality.
In addition, the total inequality of a population
is broken into various subgroups in terms of the size of cultivated land and
farming type and the inequality existing within subgroup of the population and
the inequality existing between them are