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dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstract Korean green tea industry is getting a lot of attention as a growing industry among agricultural sectors since consumers have perceived green tea as a healthy food. However, there is concern that the domestic market of green tea would be eroded by imported tea products as tariff rates applied to imported tea products are reduced as a result of the ongoing WTO/DDA negotiation In this context, this study analyzes the situation of both the domestic and the foreign green tea industries and suggests programs to improve the international competitiveness of the domestic green tea industry copying with import liberalization, as well. 목 차 1. 머리말 2. 국내 녹차산업의 산업적 위치와 경쟁력 조건 3. 국내 녹차산업의 실태와 문제점 4. 일본의 녹차산업 동향과 시사점 5. 맺음말: 녹차산업 경쟁력 제고방안-
dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstract Korean green tea industry is getting a lot of attention as a growing industry among agricultural sectors since consumers have perceived green tea as a healthy food. However, there is concern that the domestic market of green tea would be eroded by imported tea products as tariff rates applied to imported tea products are reduced as a result of the ongoing WTO/DDA negotiation In this context, this study analyzes the situation of both the domestic and the foreign green tea industries and suggests programs to improve the international competitiveness of the domestic green tea industry copying with import liberalization, as well.-
dc.title우리나라 녹차산업의 경쟁력 제고방안-
dc.title.alternativeDirections for Strengthening Competitiveness of Green-tea Industry-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNamePark, Moonho-
Appears in Collections:
학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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우리나라 녹차산업의 경쟁력 제고방안.pdf (1.39 MB) Download

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