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dc.description.abstractThe material balance approach provides a method for assessing nutrient surpluses of specific villages or regions, and hence their environmental loads. This approach makes it possible to assess the effect of agri-environmental policy measures on nutrient runoff. The objectives of this paper are to present a nutrient balance model relating to Yangpyeong County, and to discuss the problem of using it for assessing environmental pressure from agricultural production activities in order to give an overview of the agri-environmental policy programs. This paper reviews the conceptual framework for the material balance approach using the Condition-State-Plan (C-S-P) system and formulates a regionally based material balance model using the nutrient balance equation. The regional material balance model based on inflow and outflow of nutrients in Yangpyeong County is set up as an illustrative example. Also included are policy implications for activating integrated nutrient management, a multi-level approach involving all stakeholder, and suggestions for further study for increasing the accuracy of a material balance model.-
dc.description.abstractThe material balance approach provides a method for assessing nutrient surpluses of specific villages or regions, and hence their environmental loads. This approach makes it possible to assess the effect of agri-environmental policy measures on nutrient runoff. The objectives of this paper are to present a nutrient balance model relating to Yangpyeong County, and to discuss the problem of using it for assessing environmental pressure from agricultural production activities in order to give an overview of the agri-environmental policy programs. This paper reviews the conceptual framework for the material balance approach using the Condition-State-Plan (C-S-P) system and formulates a regionally based material balance model using the nutrient balance equation. The regional material balance model based on inflow and outflow of nutrients in Yangpyeong County is set up as an illustrative example. Also included are policy implications for activating integrated nutrient management, a multi-level approach involving all stakeholder, and suggestions for further study for increasing the accuracy of a material balance model.-
dc.description.tableofcontents1. 서 론2. 지역단위 물질순환 분석을 위한 농업환경 모형3. 지역단위 농업환경부하 분석 방법4. 지역단위 물질균형 분석 결과:양평군 사례를 중심으로5. 지역단위 물질순환 분석을 통한 친환경농업 발전방안The material balance approach provides a method for assessing nutrient surpluses of specific villages or regions, and hence their environmental loads. This approach makes it possible to assess the effect of agri-environmental policy measures on nutrient runoff. The objectives of this paper are to present a nutrient balance model relating to Yangpyeong County, and to discuss the problem of using it for assessing environmental pressure from agricultural production activities in order to give an overview of the agri-environmental policy programs. This paper reviews the conceptual framework for the material balance approach using the Condition-State-Plan (C-S-P) system and formulates a regionally based material balance model using the nutrient balance equation. The regional material balance model based on inflow and outflow of nutrients in Yangpyeong County is set up as an illustrative example. Also included are policy implications for activating integrated nutrient management, a multi-level approach involving all stakeholder, and suggestions for further study for increasing the accuracy of a material balance model.-
dc.title친환경농업 시스템 구축을 위한 지역단위 물질균형 분석-
dc.title.alternativeRegional-Based Materials Balance Analysis for Establishing Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural System-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Changgil-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Taeyoung-
dc.subject.keyword열역학 제1법칙-
dc.subject.keyword열역학 제2법칙-
dc.subject.keywordMaterial Balance-
dc.subject.keywordAssimilative Capacity-
dc.subject.keywordThe 1st Law of Thermodynamics-
dc.subject.keywordThe 2nd Law of Thermodynamics-
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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