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dc.description.abstractAbstractThe objective of this study is to measure the impacts of agricultural product offer at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Potential Bilateral Trade(PBT), which may be interpreted as a maximum level of trade diversion effect is estimated to US$ 1.6 billion for 122 agricultural products that requested by China. This amount exceeded current agricultural import from China. The biggest PBT is US$ 345 million for corn followed by US$ 250 million for food preparations and US$ 200 for tobacco.These results seem to back up the strategy of excluding agricultural product from concession at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Or it supports Korean position of re-negotiating the inclusion of agricultural products after settlement of WTO/DDA negotiation.-
dc.description.abstractAbstractThe objective of this study is to measure the impacts of agricultural product offer at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Potential Bilateral Trade(PBT), which may be interpreted as a maximum level of trade diversion effect is estimated to US$ 1.6 billion for 122 agricultural products that requested by China. This amount exceeded current agricultural import from China. The biggest PBT is US$ 345 million for corn followed by US$ 250 million for food preparations and US$ 200 for tobacco.These results seem to back up the strategy of excluding agricultural product from concession at the Third Round of Bangkok Agreement. Or it supports Korean position of re-negotiating the inclusion of agricultural products after settlement of WTO/DDA negotiation.-
dc.description.tableofcontents1. 머리말2. 방콕협정의 경제 규모와 역내 교역3. 방콕협정의 무역전환효과 계측4. 맺음말: 방콕협정 제3라운드 협상 전략-
dc.title방콕협정의 농산물 무역전환효과와 협상 대책-
dc.title.alternativeAgricultural Trade Diversion Effects and Strategies for Bangkok Agreement Negotiation-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameEor, Myongkeun-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationpage. 55 - 71-
dc.subject.keyword방콕협정;양허요청 및 제공 방식;무역전환효과;양국간 잠재교역액-
dc.subject.keywordBangkok Agreement;Request and Offer: R/O System;Trade Diversion Effect;Potential Bilateral Trade; PBT-
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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