Korea Rural Economic Institue

미국 식품안전관리제도 현황과 시사점

영문 제목
The U.S. Food Safety System and Its Implications for Korea
The purpose of this paper is to explore the U.S. food safety system and programs, and draw policy implications for Korea which now faces serious criticism from consumers. Following principles are important for the U.S. food safety system: 1) safe and wholesome food may be marketed; (2) regulatory decision-making in food safety be science-based; (3) the government's enforcement responsibility; and, (5) the regulatory process be transparent and accessible to the public. The lessons we learn from the U.S. food safety system are: 1) strict management of import inspection system; 2) enforcement of preventive measures; 3) efficient management of food safety administration; and, 4) increasing responsibility of food manufacturer and distributors. In addition, enforcement of current food safety programs including, country of origin, HACCP, tracebility, etc be equally important for the effective implementation of food safety programs.

The purpose of this paper is to explore the U.S. food safety system and programs, and draw policy implications for Korea which now faces serious criticism from consumers. Following principles are important for the U.S. food safety system: 1) safe and wholesome food may be marketed; (2) regulatory decision-making in food safety be science-based; (3) the government's enforcement responsibility; and, (5) the regulatory process be transparent and accessible to the public. The lessons we learn from the U.S. food safety system are: 1) strict management of import inspection system; 2) enforcement of preventive measures; 3) efficient management of food safety administration; and, 4) increasing responsibility of food manufacturer and distributors. In addition, enforcement of current food safety programs including, country of origin, HACCP, tracebility, etc be equally important for the effective implementation of food safety programs.
1. 서론
2. 미국의 식품안전 관리 현황
3. 식품 안전관리 강화 방안
4. 시사점
page. 73 - 92
식품안전제도; 수입검사; 농무부; 식품안전검사국; 식품의약청; food safety system; import inspection; USDA; FSIS; FDA
발간물 유형
보고서 번호
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