한국, 미국, 일본의 외식통계 비교와 시사점

영문 제목
Food away from Home Statistics of Korea, US and Japan
The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the existing food away from home statistics and suggest ways to improve the statistics. To this end. the study analyzed the existing statistics and reviewed the cases of foreign countries.In case of Japan, business conditions and types are included in the food away from home statistics. In the United States, the statistics has realistic classification by type and service level based on business conditions. In the two countries, the Japanese Food Service Industry Research Center and the American National Restaurant Association are in charge of producing the food away from home statistics respectively.In response to the changes in the food service industry, the market scale will expand to include the food and drinking sales in lodging, transportation centers and HMR(Home Meal Replacement) industry. Also, it is necessary to develop new statistics and found a new organization to manage the food away from home statistics.
The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the existing food away from home statistics and suggest ways to improve the statistics. To this end. the study analyzed the existing statistics and reviewed the cases of foreign countries.In case of Japan, business conditions and types are included in the food away from home statistics. In the United States, the statistics has realistic classification by type and service level based on business conditions. In the two countries, the Japanese Food Service Industry Research Center and the American National Restaurant Association are in charge of producing the food away from home statistics respectively.In response to the changes in the food service industry, the market scale will expand to include the food and drinking sales in lodging, transportation centers and HMR(Home Meal Replacement) industry. Also, it is necessary to develop new statistics and found a new organization to manage the food away from home statistics.
1. 서 론2. 외식산업 분류기준3. 외식 산업통계 현황4. 외식 소비통계 현황5. 시사점
page. 105 - 121
외식; 외식통계; 외식산업; food away from home; food away from home statistics; foodservice industry
발간물 유형
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한국, 미국, 일본의 외식통계 비교와 시사점.pdf (377.24 kB) Download

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