Consumers' cooperatives (hereafter CC) in Korea were started from the organic farm products direct-deal movement among farmers and consumers in the late 1980s. This was possible by the already present organic farm movement in the 1970s. This differs from the organic farm movements of Europe and Japan which were developed from the comsumer movement seeking safe food.
This study focuses on the standpoint of CC in its development process from 1980s to now and analyzes the characteristics of Korea Consumers Cooperative Solidarity(ICOOP) as an example. The standpoint and characteristics of CC in Korea are studied by analyzing the relations between the distributive mechanism and organizing ability in the development process and the contents of essential working in ICOOP.
1. 서 론
2. 생협의 전개과정
3. 생협의 현황
4. 생협의 특징: 한국생협연대의 사례
5. 생협운동의 과제