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dc.description.abstractThis study is to analyze the relationship between agricultural product sales promotion and purchase of visitors. In addition, this study investigates the causality between IFFE (International Fermented Food Expo) participants and communication process of visitor's purchase by analyzing the purchase and behavior of visitors as well as the purpose of the visit.Results indicated that sales promotion variable has more influence on purchase group than purchase reservation group. Odds ratio of price reduction (and of free tasting and sample) was relatively higher than that of bonus pack. Among information service variables, personal marketing and catalog odds ratio was higher than that of advertisement. As for party type, family type showed the highest observation frequency in purchase group, while group and couple type showed the highest observation frequency in purchase reservation group. In case of purpose of visit, 'education and experience' and atmosphere of the event indicated the highest observation frequency. However, purchase of product, which is the purpose of the event, showed low observation frequency. Observation frequency of purchase reservation group was relatively high in the categories of 'atmosphere of the event' and 'tour and visit after taking care of another business. However, observation frequency of the purchase group was highest in the categories of ‘purchase of products’ and ‘education and experience.’-
dc.description.abstractThis study is to analyze the relationship between agricultural product sales promotion and purchase of visitors. In addition, this study investigates the causality between IFFE (International Fermented Food Expo) participants and communication process of visitor's purchase by analyzing the purchase and behavior of visitors as well as the purpose of the visit.Results indicated that sales promotion variable has more influence on purchase group than purchase reservation group. Odds ratio of price reduction (and of free tasting and sample) was relatively higher than that of bonus pack. Among information service variables, personal marketing and catalog odds ratio was higher than that of advertisement. As for party type, family type showed the highest observation frequency in purchase group, while group and couple type showed the highest observation frequency in purchase reservation group. In case of purpose of visit, 'education and experience' and atmosphere of the event indicated the highest observation frequency. However, purchase of product, which is the purpose of the event, showed low observation frequency. Observation frequency of purchase reservation group was relatively high in the categories of 'atmosphere of the event' and 'tour and visit after taking care of another business. However, observation frequency of the purchase group was highest in the categories of ‘purchase of products’ and ‘education and experience.’-
dc.description.tableofcontents1. 서론2. 표본설계와 분석모형3. IFFE의 개요 및 변수선정4. 분석결과5. 요약 및 시사점-
dc.title이벤트 참가업체의 판촉과 방문자의 농식품 구매행위의 관계분석-
dc.title.alternativeRelationship between Agricultural Product Sales Promotion and Purchase of Visitors-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameCha, Donguk-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationpage. 19 - 36-
dc.subject.keyword방문자들의 구매행위-
dc.subject.keywordsales promotion-
dc.subject.keywordpurchase behavior of visitors-
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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이벤트 참가업체의 판촉과 방문자의 농식품 구매행위의 관계분석.pdf (387.2 kB) Download

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