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dc.description.abstract최근 지역 간 연계·협력사업 추진의 필요와 효용에 대한 논의가 활발하다. 다양한 측면에서 지역 간 연계·협력이 시너지 효과를 발생시킬 수 있기 때문이다. 특히 3개 도의 접경지역이라는 상징적 위치를 점유하고 활발한 교류를 해 오고 있지만, 구체적인 사업 추진이 없었던 삼도봉권역의 전라북도 무주군, 경상북도 김천시, 충청북도 영동군 등 3개 시·군은 다른 어떤 지역보다도 연계·협력사업에 대한 수요가 높은 상황이다. 이 연구는 국가정책에 부응하고 지역 간 상생발전을 도모할 수 있는 삼도봉권역 3개 시·군의 연계·협력사업을 발굴하고, 이를 효과적으로 추진할 수 있는 발전전략을 수립하는 것을 주요 목적으로 한다.-
dc.description.abstractThis study has two main purposes. Firstly, it aims to discover main cooperative local initiatives which not only meet the government policy but also will promote symbiotic progress among Muju-gun, Gimchun-si and Youngdong-gun, so-called Samdobong region. The second one is to suggest regional development strategies for carrying effectively forward the initiatives. For these purposes, we reviewed the current condition and regional properties. We also analyzed related policies and internal and external cases with similarities. After that, we classified the main sectors necessary for cooperation among the local areas of Samdobong region into agri-business, cultural tourism and ecological environment. Strategic cooperative initiatives have been drawn from a survey targeting some residents and public officials of the region, and a few specialists in regional development. Samdobong region means "the primary human settlement units consisting of three local areas aforementioned that share Samdobong(mountaintop)". The local areas have continued collaborations for information exchange, personal exchange, cultural exchange and so on, even though they have been devided into three provinces - Jeonbuk, Gyeongbuk and Chungbuk. Considering strengths and weaknesses of the region, we set up the regional vision as "Creative Region Harmonious with Three Colors of Three Provinces". To make harmonious creative region and bear some fruits from win-win strategy, we designed some cooperative initiatives which had planning period of 5 years or so respectively. In this study we found 26 initiatives in total from the main sectors mentioned above. Among them, we ultimately selected 6 strategic cooperative initiatives: establishment of a working-level council for promotion of regional cultural tourism; bus and train tour pursuing well-being in Samdobong region; Samdobong eco-trail development; provision of environment-friendly agricultural products for school feeding; agricultural allied brand and agricultural products packaging business based on cooperative and integrated marketing among the areas; establishment of wine industrial cluster in the region. Fist of all, the selected 6 strategic cooperative initiatives need to be systemized and carried out step-by-step. In the early stage, three local governments of the region should carry forward small scale projects with joint investment in such fields as information sharing, cooperative training, allied brand, joint marketing, etc.Researchers: Mi-Ryung Song, Jun-Ki Park, Kwang-Sun Kim and Byeong-Seok YoonResearch Period: 2010.3~2010.10 E-mail Address: mrsong@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 연구의 개요 제2장 지역 간 연계·협력의 필요성과 의의제3장 삼도봉권역 현황과 특성제4장 삼도봉권역 발전 비전과 전략제5장 삼도봉권역 연계·협력사업제6장 핵심 연계·협력사업 추진계획제7장 연계·협력사업 추진체계 구축-
dc.title백두대간 삼도봉권역 발전전략 수립-
dc.title.alternativeA Development Strategy Plan for Samdobong Areas: Muju-gun, Gimchun-si and Youngdong-gun-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameSong, Miryung-
dc.contributor.alternativeNamePark, Joonki-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Kwangsun-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameYoon, Byoungseok-
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연구보고서 > 수탁보고서 (C)
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