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dc.description.abstract우리나라의 식량자급률은 1970년 86%에서 2009년 27%대로 급속도로 하락하여 OECD 국가 중에서 가장 낮은 수준을 보이고 있다. 국가적으로 요구되는 식량은 수입과 비축을 통해 확보할 수 있지만, 세계적인 기상이변과 불안정한 국제곡물시장 상황 등을 고려할 경우 국내 농업생산기반이 어느 정도 유지될 필요가 있다.식량자급률 목표치 설정은 국민의 바람직한 식생활과 농정에의 가이드라인을 제시하는 역할을 수행하기 때문에 “농업농촌식품산업기본법”에서는 적정한 식량 자급수준의 목표를 설정 유지하고 농림수산식품부 장관은 농업농촌식품산업 발전 기본계획을 수립고, 기본계획에 식량의 적정 자급목표를 포함하도록 명시하고 있다.이 연구는 국내외 여건변화에 대응하여 새로운 식량 자급률 목표치를 설정하고, 이러한 목표가 효과적으로 달성되기 위해 필요한 정책 대안을 검토하기 위해 수행되었다. 또한 이 연구에서는 기존의 물량 기준 식량자급률이 식품 전체의 자급률 상황을 반영하는 종합적 지표로서는 한계가 있기에 종합적인 식품자급률 상황을 나타낼 수 있는 자급률 개념의 도입 가능성을 검토하였다.-
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study is to reestablish a target of foodself-sufficiency rate reflecting changes in and outside the country. Also, thestudy is aimed at examining policy measures to meet the target effectively. Tomeet the purpose, the study is largely divided into the five section: 1)examining the possibility of introducing new concept for food self-sufficiencyrate, 2) analysing the present situation and a future outlook of foodself-sufficiency rate, 3) setting up possible food consumption and productionscenarios for reestablishing food self-sufficiency rates of year 2015 and year2020, 4) suggesting possible targets of food self-sufficiency rate of year 2015and year 2020, 5) proposing policy measures to meet the target.It is appropriate to use a food self-sufficiency rate of energy supply asoverall self-sufficiency rate instead of previous quantity based foodself-sufficiency rate. The quantity based self-sufficiency rate has an advantagefor understanding each food item. However, it has a difficulty for reflectingoverall circumstance surrounding each food item. A calory self-sufficiencyrate remedies the shortcoming of a food self-sufficiency rate. Also, it reflectschanges in consumer food life. For these reasons, calory self-sufficiency rateis more suitable for overall self-sufficiency rate than quantity basedself-sufficiency rate.The estimation results of food self-sufficiency rates for each importantfood are described. The food self-sufficiency rate of rice is about 98%, therate for staple food-grain without feed purpose is about 62-65%. In addition,the food self-sufficiency rates for staple food-grain, including feed purpose is29-30%. For livestock, rate for beef, pork, and chicken is 43-45%, 80-81%,and 85% respectively. The rate for vegetables and fruits is 85%, 75-80%. Thefood self-sufficiency rate of energy supply is 50% which is increased formthe past standard.To improve food self-sufficiency rate, both production side andconsumption side should be considered simultaneously. In the consumptionaspect, promoting food life education, introducing consumer oriented policiesto expand food demand, and promoting low carbon green food life isimportant. In the production side, efforts to cultivate crops other than rice forthe stabilization of food and to differentiate agricultural products quality forimprovement of agriculture competitiveness and food safety towards consumersatisfaction is necessary.Researchers: Choi Ji-Hyun, Woo Byung-Joon, and Hwang Yun-JaeResearch period: 2010. 5. - 2010. 11.E-mail address: jhchoi@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 자급률 개념과 현황제3장 일본의 식량자급률 사례와 시사점제4장 식품 소비량 목표 설정제5장 기존 자급률 목표치 평가제6장 품목별 자급률 목표치 재산정제7장 정책 추진 과제-
dc.title식량자급률 개념정립 및 새로운 목표치 설정 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Conceptualization of Food Self-Sufficiency Rate and Reestablishing its Target in Korea-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameChoi, Jihyeon-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameWoo, Byungjoon-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameHwang, Yunjae-
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