Korea Rural Economic Institue

전라남도 친환경농업 미생물제제 산업화 연구

영문 제목
Study on Industrialization of Eco-Friendly Microbial Materials in Jeollanamdo
김연중;  정은미;  이웅연;  박순철
전라남도 지역은 정책적으로 친환경농업을 육성하고 있으며, 우리나라 전체 친환경농산물의 52%가 전라남도에서 생산되고 있고, 현재 전라남도 경지면적의 34%가 친환경 재배면적이며, 2014년까지는 전라남도 재배면적의 45%까지를 무농약 인증 면적 이상으로 확대할 계획이다.
친환경농산물 생산을 위해서 반드시 필요한 것이 미생물농약, 비료, 생균제 등의 미생물제제이다. 그러나 미생물제제 생산업체가 영세하여 생산한 미생물제품의 단가가 높고, 품질이 균일하지 않아 최종수요자인 농가가 이용하는데 많은 어려움이 있다. 이런 문제점을 극복하기 위해서 전라남도는 농업미생물제제의 산업화 방안을 모색 중이다.
그 일환으로 전라남도는 농업미생물제제연구센터를 설립·육성하여 친환경미생물제제의 품질인증사업, 미생물제제의 제형화 기술 등 R&D 지원, 농가 및 미생물제제 생산업체의 교육, 컨설팅, 홍보 등을 강화하여 양질의 미생물제제의 공급확대와 수요자인 농가의 만족을 증대시키고자 한다.

Jeollanamdo is promoting environment-friendly agriculture. The province produces 52% of all environment-friendly agricultural products in Korea. Currently, 34% of cultivated land in the region are for environment-friendly agriculture, and the local government plans to expand the ratio of pesticide-free acreage to total cultivation land to 45% by 2014.
Microbial materials such as microbial pesticides, fertilizers, and probiotics are essential parts of organic farming. But because of the small scale of microbial production, the price of microbial materials is high and the quality is inconsistent, and this makes it very difficult for farmers to use them. To overcome this problem, Jeollanamdo is presenting ways of industrializing microbial materials.
As part of this effort, Jeollanamdo plans to expand the supply of high-quality microbial materials and increase the satisfaction level of farmers. The methods to be use for achieving the goal are to provide assistance in technology-related fields, like formulation of microbial materials, launch quality assurance projects, educate farmers and microbial materials producers, and strengthen consulting and publicity promotion.
The market size of eco-friendly agricultural products is projected to grow from 3.7355 trillion won in 2009. Even though the increase rate of the market will slow down from 2010, when there will be no more labeling of new low-pesticide products, the market size is still expected to grow to 4.094 trillion won in 2010 and to 5.0955 trillion won in 2013. In 2015, when the labeling of low-pesticide products will be abolished altogether, the market is predicted to shrink to 4.9216 trillion won if we assume that some low-pesticide crops will be labeled as pesticide-free or organic. However, the market is projected to gradually recover afterward to 7.0676 trillion won in 2020 to account for 20% of the entire agricultural products market.
According to four different scenarios, the demand for microbial materials in 2020 will be different. Scenario 1 puts the demand at 125.5 billion won, and scenarios 2, 3, and 4 put the projections at 179.3 billion, 233.1 billion, and 303 billion won respectively.
The mid- and long-term development strategy for the microbial materials industry in Jeollanamdo can largely be summed up in three directions.
First, the strategy is set on establishing and operating a microbiology research center for eco-friendly agriculture. The center's vision and goals are set on supporting environment-friendly agriculture by providing assistance to producers of microbial materials who, as new engines of growth, can supply safe and functional microbial materials.
Second, synergy effects should be created through a network among bio-firms. Since there already are seven specialized research centers in the region for bio-industry promotion, synergy effects can be created if some of the operations and functions of each research center are exercised in conjunction with the microbiology research center.
Third, microbiology-related research institutes across the country should form a cluster with the government, industries, and academia to create synergy effects as building the cluster has the advantage of reducing the costs, maximizing the profits, and enhancing the regional competitiveness.

Researchers: Kim, Yean-Jung; Jeong, Eun-Mee; Lee, Woong-Yeon; Park, Soon-Chul
E-mail address: yjkim@krei.re.kr, jeongem@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 친환경 농업의 현황과 전망
제3장 농업미생물제제 산업화 방안
제4장 친환경 농업미생물산업연구센터의 설립 타당성 분석
제5장 농업미생물산업연구센터의 중장기 발전 방안
제6장 요약 및 결론
친환경농업; 친환경농자재
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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