공익형직불제 세부실시 프로그램 연구

영문 제목
A Study on the Detailed Implementation of a Public-purpose Direct Payment Program
직접지불제가 농정에서 중요한 위치를 차지하면서 정부를 비롯하여 생산자와 소비자의 관심을 끌고 있다. 농업 여건이나 정책과제 변화에 따라 직불제는 가격지지를 대체하는 단순한 정책수단을 넘어서 환경편익 증진, 농업자원 보전, 공익적기능 확산 등을 위한 중요한 수단으로 활용되기 때문이다. 직불제는 특히 납세자 부담에 의해 추진되는 정책이다. 향후 직불제가 확대되기 위해서는 납세자의 이해가 전제되어야 한다. 이를 위해서는 직불제에 의해 공익적기능이 발휘되고 농산물가격이 인하되는 등 소비자가 실질적으로 수혜하는 효과가 충분히 나타나야 한다.

이러한 문제의식에서 우리나라 직불제는 경영리스크를 완화하는 경영안정형 직불제와 공익적기능을 확산하는 공익형 직불제로의 개편을 검토하고 있다. 이 보고서는 우리나라 직불제가 이와 같은 두 가지 유형으로 개편되는 것을 전제로 공익형 직불제에 관한 세부적인 실시프로그램을 제시하였다.

공익형 직불제는 농업이 가지는 공익적 기능을 제고하는 것을 조건으로 직불금을 지불함으로써 농가에 대한
소득보전과 공익적 기능 확산이라는 두 가지 효과를 기대한다. 국가와 지방자지단체가 필요에 따라 다양한
형태의 공익적기능을 발휘하는 직불제 도입을 검토할 수 있다.
The direct payment system is emerging as a major means of agricultural policy. Because, various effects may result from the policy, such as the spread of eco-friendly agriculture, promotion of agriculture in the regions of inferior agricultural conditions, shaping of rural landscape, etc. along with supporting the income of farm houses or stable management. The direct payment system is a taxpayer's payment policy based on the government finance rather than a consumer's payment policy like price support policy.
The direct payment system is being spread over major developed countries like the U.S., EU, Japan, etc. As the direct payment system is a policy stipulated by the WTO agricultural agreement that prohibits any type of manipulation of the agricultural trading and market, while playing various roles like triggering the expansion of agricultural products and other diverse functions.
The shrinking income of farmhouses caused by the transition of financial aid such as tariff reduction and financial stress will be major concerns of agricultural policy. The reformation of the direct payment system is necessary in the direction of opening the market and protecting agriculture at the same time.
The direct payment system has to be properly reorganized according to the changes in agricultural conditions and the tasks of agricultural policies. The goal of this research is to propose an implementation program of a public-purpose direct payment system under assumption that Korea's direct payment system would be reorganized as a ‘direct payment system for management stability (income-stability system per each farmhouse)' that controls management risks and a ‘public-purpose direct payment system' intended to spread the diverse functions of agriculture in the future.
The detailed implementation plan of the public-purpose direct payment system has been taken concrete shape with respect to the direction of reformation, the public-purpose direct payment implementation program, etc. by means of the study of literature and actual conditions, the survey of domestic and overseas cases, the review of reformation plan of the direct payment system of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and fisheries, etc. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the current conditions of Korea's direct payment system and its problems have been derived from conducting the study of literature and the survey on actual circumstances of corresponding local countries. On the basis of this, the key concerns of the current direct payment system and the major issues of discussion for the reformation of the direct payment system has been withdrawn.
In the contents of this report, the chapter 2 mainly deals with the direction of reorganizing Korea's direct payment system. In the chapter 3, the cases of the foreign countries are investigated. The chapter 4 explains the implementation program of the public-purpose direct payment system, suggesting the report of current conditions and alternatives like the way of integration, target farmhouses, target farmland, payment method, the unit payment price, and terms and conditions.

Researchers: Kim, Tae-Gon, Chae, Gwang-Seok and Heo, Joo-Nyung
Research period: 2010. 4. - 2010. 10.
E-mail address: taegon@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 직접지불제 개편방향
제3장 주요국가의 직불제 실시사례와 시사점
제4장 공익형 직접지불제 실시프로그램
제5장 요약 및 결론
직접지불제; 농업정책; 농가지원
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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