농공상 융합형 중소기업 지원 실효성 확보 방안

영문 제목
A Plan for Securing the Effectiveness of Support for Small and Medium Enterprises converged with agriculture, industry, and commerce
이 연구는 2010년 7월 ‘제65차 비상경제대책회의’에서 농어업과 중소기업의 동반성장을 위한 ‘농·공·상 융합형 중소기업’ 육성전략을 발표하면서 농림수산식품부와 중소기업청이 협력하고, 농공상이 협력하는 중소기업이나 경영체에 지원하는 제도적 장치가 필요함에 따라 수행하게 되었다.
따라서 이러한 변화에 대응하여 농·공·상 융합형 중소기업 육성을 위한 제도의 마련은 매우 시급한 과제라 할 수 있다. 이를 위해 농공상 융합의 의미, 농공상 융합형 중소기업의 개념, 농공상 융합 관련 정책들을 고찰함으로써 새로운 농공상 융합의 방향을 모색하고, 농공상 융합형 중소기업 정책의 새로운 추진체계를 제시하였다.
일본은 농림수산성과 경제산업성이 협력하여 “농·상·공연대”를 2008년부터 추진하고 있으며, 또한 농림수산성이 2010년 12월에 일명 “농산어촌 6차산업화”라 불리는 법을 통과시키면서 농·상·공연대와 함께 6차산업화를 시도하고 있다. 이러한 일본의 시도에서 우리가 주목할 점은 농산어촌의 활력을 증진시키기 위해 부처 간 협력과 지역의 농·상·공이 협력하는 분위기 조성이 필요하다는 것이다. 상호 협력이 잘 되도록 ‘촉진자 혹은 매개체’를 육성하는 데도 정책적 배려를 하고 있음을 교훈으로 삼아야 한다.
Although the rural areas in Korea are deteriorating as a consequence of aging population and weakening competitiveness of agriculture industry, a fresh necessity of development achievable by interconnecting resources in farming and fishing areas has been raised by technologies that drive growth into high-valued industries and by rediscoveries of values, and more using the local resources.
Notwithstanding the continuous increase in the number of joint convergent businesses between farming and fishing businesses and SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in recent years, the legal foundations that support such efforts are scarce. The fact that the support from The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is focused on farmers and agricultural businesses, while the support from the Small and Medium Business Administration is centered on general manufacturing businesses has created blind spots neglecting convergence-type SMEs.
The purpose of this study is to propose legal grounds that induce the expansion of convergent businesses while supporting cooperations between farming and fishing industries and SMEs, along with preparing for organic partnership plans by analyzing the related policies of the central government in order to execute the promotion strategies for SMEs converged with agriculture, industry, and commerce.
A convergence-type SME refers to a company that generates high-added value by convergence of raw materials--farming and fishing products--into technologies covering foods, processing, IT, BT, NT, CT, etc. in direct collaborations between agricultural and fishery business people and the owners of SMEs.
The composition of this report is as follows: Chapter 2 explains the magnitude of SMEs converged with agriculture, industry, and commerce as well as the related policies; Chapter 3 introduces the cases of convergence throughout agriculture, industry, and commerce; Chapter 4 analyzes the partnerships between agriculture, industry, and commerce in Japan as well as the 6th industrial laws; Chapter 6 proposes a legislation plan for promoting cooperations between farming and fishing industries and SMEs.
In particular, with a review of the partnerships between agriculture, industry, and commerce in Japan and of some support methods and cases, the feasibility of their applications in Korea and of cooperations between the agencies in the central government was analyzed.
For determining the basic direction of supporting the growth of SMEs converged with agriculture, industry, and commerce, a step-by-step approach that extends the range of support across convergence activities of agriculture, industry, and commerce in the future is necessary after starting from supporting management bodies (companies) using the complimentary measures provided by related laws.

Researchers: Yong-Lyoul Kim and Joo-Nyung Heo
Research period: 2010. 11. ~ 2011. 1.
E-mail address: kimyl@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 농·공·상 융합형 중소기업 의의와 관련 정책
제3장 농·공·상 융합형 기업 사례
제4장 일본의 농상공 연대와 농산어촌 6차산업화 제도 분석
제5장 농·공·상 융합형 중소기업 육성을 위한 지원체계
제6장 농어업과 중소기업의 협력촉진을 위한 법제방안
농, 공, 상 융합형 중소기업 지원 실효성 확보방안
농업지원; 중소기업; 농공상
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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