Korea Rural Economic Institue

쌀 감모통계 개선을 위한 감모율 추정

영문 제목
A Study on Estimating the Rice Loss Rate
박동규;  이웅연
According to the results of this research, the possible amount of rice that is lost during the process from harvesting to distribution is 7~8%. It is estimated that 4.1% of rice produced is lost during the harvesting stage and due to statistical error, the actual loss in the process of harvesting in the fields could be a little more than the estimate. In the storage and polishing stages of rice, it is estimated that 2.09% of rice is lost due to evaporation. Also, 0.5% of rice is lost due to evaporation in the distribution stage. In conclusion, the lowest rate of rice loss from harvesting to distribution is 6.7%. If the damage from diseases and insects is taken into account, it is estimated that the actual rate of rice loss is likely to be around 7~8% of rice produced.
In order to estimate the rate of rice loss more accurately, it is essential that thorough investigation is performed for at least three years on each stages of the rice production process from harvesting to distribution.
However, this study has some limits. First, rice loss estimation in the storage and polishing stages is based on the result of a specific year. The rice loss with statistical error in a specific year can vary according to weather conditions. And distribution of statistical error generated by the adjustment of rate of rice loss is a task to be solved.

According to the results of this research, the possible amount of rice that is lost during the process from harvesting to distribution is 7~8%. It is estimated that 4.1% of rice produced is lost during the harvesting stage and due to statistical error, the actual loss in the process of harvesting in the fields could be a little more than the estimate. In the storage and polishing stages of rice, it is estimated that 2.09% of rice is lost due to evaporation. Also, 0.5% of rice is lost due to evaporation in the distribution stage. In conclusion, the lowest rate of rice loss from harvesting to distribution is 6.7%. If the damage from diseases and insects is taken into account, it is estimated that the actual rate of rice loss is likely to be around 7~8% of rice produced.
In order to estimate the rate of rice loss more accurately, it is essential that thorough investigation is performed for at least three years on each stages of the rice production process from harvesting to distribution.
However, this study has some limits. First, rice loss estimation in the storage and polishing stages is based on the result of a specific year. The rice loss with statistical error in a specific year can vary according to weather conditions. And distribution of statistical error generated by the adjustment of rate of rice loss is a task to be solved.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구와 연구방법
3. 감모 통계 현황과 문제점
4. 쌀 감모율 추정
5. 결론 및 향후 과제
page. 41 - 58
쌀; 감모; 통계; rice; loss; statistics
발간물 유형
보고서 번호
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