제주도 지하수의 지역산업연관 효과 분석

영문 제목
An Analysis of Regional Interindustry Effect of Ground Water in Jeju Island
Climate change, shortage of water and environment pollution have become a big issue all over the world. In the case of Jeju Island, it is completely dependent on subterranean water for not only drinking water but also public water, industrial water and agricultural water because of its hydrogeological condition unlike the inland. The primary objective of this study is to analyze the correlations of the ground water with the local economy and industry and to evaluate the economical value of the ground water in Jeju Island. The effect of the water industry was analyzed in a scenario using the regional input-output table. It is forecasted that the economic value of the ground water of Jeju Island will be escalated, and thus it is necessary to extend the range of the ground water-based industry to high value-creating businesses connected to tourism and the service industry. A comprehensive countermeasure needs to be devised to create economic value and evaluate the quality of life of Jeju residents.
Climate change, shortage of water and environment pollution have become a big issue all over the world. In the case of Jeju Island, it is completely dependent on subterranean water for not only drinking water but also public water, industrial water and agricultural water because of its hydrogeological condition unlike the inland. The primary objective of this study is to analyze the correlations of the ground water with the local economy and industry and to evaluate the economical value of the ground water in Jeju Island. The effect of the water industry was analyzed in a scenario using the regional input-output table. It is forecasted that the economic value of the ground water of Jeju Island will be escalated, and thus it is necessary to extend the range of the ground water-based industry to high value-creating businesses connected to tourism and the service industry. A comprehensive countermeasure needs to be devised to create economic value and evaluate the quality of life of Jeju residents.
1. 서론2. 물산업 중심 지역간산업연관표의 추정3. 제주도 물 관련 산업의 경제적 효과 분석4. 요약 및 결론
page. 55 - 71
지역산업연관분석; 지역내산업연관표; 지역간산업연관표; 지하수; 경제적 파급효과; regional interindustry analysis; intra-regional input-output table; inter-regional input-output table; ground water; economic effect
발간물 유형
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