Korea Rural Economic Institue

커뮤니티 비즈니스 중장기 육성방안(1/3차연도)

영문 제목
Development Plan for Community Business in the Agriculture
김태곤;  박문호;  김경덕;  김용렬;  허주녕;  김정승;  임지은
글로벌화에 따른 시장개방과 규제완화가 진행되는 가운데 농가인구의 감소와 고령화가 심화됨에 따라 지역간·계층간 격차가 확대되고 있다. 농촌지역도 성장하는 지역이 있는 반면에 쇠퇴하는 지역이 나타나고, 최근 농가소득은 감소하면서도 계층간 격차가 확대되는 등 양극화 현상이 심화되고 있다.

영세한 농업경영체나 상공업자의 개별적인 경제활동으로 소득증대나 활성화가 곤란한 지역에서는 지역단위의 조직화에 의해 부존자원을 활용하고 다양한 비즈니스 활동을 전개하는 커뮤니티 비즈니스가 확산되고 있다. 그렇지만 지역의 니즈와 주민의 역량을 넘어서는 사업도 있어 성과나 지속성에 문제를 안고 있는 사례도 나타나고 있다.

커뮤니티 비즈니스는 지역단위로 농업생산을 기본으로 하여 가공이나 유통으로 발전하는 동시에 농업인과 지역 상공업자와 연대하여 지역가치를 창출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 커뮤니티 비즈니스의 실태와 역할을 파악하여 이를 확산하는 가능성을 제시함으로써 농촌경제를 활성화하여 삶의 질을 향상하는 효과를 기대할 수 있다.

따라서 커뮤니티 비즈니스는 농촌지역에서 일자리 창출과 부가가치 향상 등 적정수준의 수익을 확보하는 동시에 고령화 등에 따른 지역주민의 다양한 사회 생활상의 문제를 해결하여 지역간·계층간의 불균형 문제를 시정하는 정책수단으로 기대된다.

Amid globalization and marketing opening as well as the reduction of farm household population and aging, the growth of forestry, fishery, commerce and industry has been restricted in rural communities which led to job cuts and income reduction including deterioration of community's vitality.
Hence, new measures are required by region; ① voluntary unionization, such as farmers, fishermen or merchants and industrialists (small and medium enterprise), the elderly, women, people return to farming and agriculture village, ② utilize community resources, namely human, resource, and culture of regions, ③ define activities and projects implemented with the purpose of solving problems within regions and the creation of new value as a community business, and research on status and role, interaction effects of regional community, development condition, as well as fostering plans.
The study identifies the actual status and role of the community business and analyzes interaction effects on local community thereby suggests a possible spread of community business in order to ① improve the quality of life by revitalizing stagnating rural economy and boosting added value as well job creation by region, and ② resolve economic and social challenges intensifying in rural community so as to ultimately realize social balance.
The research is set to pan out for three years. In the first year, the study shall be implemented under the title of ‘discovery and performance of community business of agri-business area'. Target regions are community businesses from rural regions to agri-business areas. In the second year, the title shall be ‘the role and tasks of rural-type community business’ on ‘rural-type’ community business focus on ‘mountain, fishing, and metro regions’ and promote social welfare enhancement as well as the natural environment in the target regions. In the third year, the study aims to suggest medium and long-term community business development strategy from rural community under the title of medium and long-term community business and ultimately aims for the improvement of the quality of life as well as achievement of balanced community.
The key research method of the first year is focused on literature research at home and abroad including domestic survey. We relied on literature research with regard to research trends and identification of actual situation of policy and overseas cases of projects related to community businesses. In cases of overseas cases related to research trends, we utilized the existing research based on literatures of England and Japan, agriculture industrialization management of China for on-site cases, and the sixth industry as well as convergence with agriculture, industry, and commerce of Japan. We established network and identified actual status, exchanged information interchange and opened on-site discussion and research meetings in order to intensify the study.
Prerequisite conditions for successful settlement of community businesses and sustain management performance are first, stepwise preparation on the premise of inducting voluntary participation of residents in terms of establishing venture planning and maximizing residents capabilities. Second, create a signature story in connection with regional needs based on their resources. Items or services shall be able to offer region-specific resources, specialty, facility, human resource, and technology, based on regional resource analysis, that have a high marketing likelihood through social-needs analysis.
Third, composition of structural design story planning through the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is frequently used in establishing a strategy for organizations or individuals because it is useful for product development as it combines social trends of regions.

E-mail address: taegon@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 커뮤니티 비즈니스의 개념과 의의
제3장 지연성 조직경영체의 경영실태와 성과
제4장 농업의 6차산업화와 고부가가치 창출
제5장 지역단위의 농공상 연대와 성과
제6장 로컬푸드 운동을 통한 지역활성화
제7장 커뮤니티 비즈니스 활성화와 중간지원조직
제8장 농산업영역 커뮤니티 비즈니스의 과제
커뮤니티 비즈니스의 중장기 육성전략(3의1차년도)
커뮤니티 비즈니스
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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