수출형 임산물 공동브랜드 관리를 위한 품질 관리방안
영문 제목
- Suggestions for Quality Control of Co-Branded Forest Products for Export
- 석현덕; 김경필; 허경태; 안선진; 조국훈; 한정희
- 2011-12-30
- 최근 DDA, FTA 등 시장개방으로 임산물 국제교역 물량이 지속적으로 증가하고 있으며, 수출 시장에서 자국 임산물 시장 비중을 확대하기 위한 국가 간 경쟁도 치열해지고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 우리나라의 임산물 수출액은 지속적으로 감소하는 반면 수입액은 증가하여 무역수지 적자 폭이 크게 확대되고 있다. 이에 수출확대를 위하여 기존 수출대상국의 요구 수준에 맞는 고품질 임산물을 생산하고 품질을 관리하기 위한 규격화·표준화 및 적절한 품질관리가 필요하지만, 수출국의 요구 수준은 품목과 바이어에 따라 상이한 형태를 나타내어 임산물 수출에 장애요인으로 작용하는 것이 현실이다.
이러한 시점에서 임산물 수출확대를 위하여 단기소득 임산물(밤·표고버섯·떫은감) 주요 수출대상국의 요구조건, 품질기준 등에 대하여 조사하고, 수출 규격화·표준화를 위한 기준을 마련할 필요가 있다. 이 연구는 주요 수출대상국을 대상으로 수입제도, 수입규격, 수입품질 등에 대한 조사를 통하여 품목별 규격화·표준화 방안을 제시하고, 공동 브랜드 운영방안, 조직의 기준, 농가규약 등의 매뉴얼 작성을 통해 수출전문조직 생성에 기여하고, 농가 및 수출조직의 품질관리 방안을 모색하여 최종적으로 공동 브랜드를 통한 단기 소득 임산물(밤, 표고버섯, 떫은감)의 수출을 확대하기 위해 수행되었다.
Co-branding of forest products for export is one of the schemes to differentiate exports and encourage competitiveness amid the recent liberalization of the agricultural market. Successful co-branding of forest products for export requires management of production, quality, marketing and brand reputation. Also, it is essential to nurture export promotion organizations.
In this study, we first suggest quality standards to control the quality of co-brands. In order to establish the standards, we identified market trends in importing markets per item (chestnut, shiitake, persimmon) and gathered opinions on the quality standards from various exporting companies and producers who are willing to participate in co-branding. The quality standards should reflect the circumstances of export markets. Thus, we have taken various considerations that are regarded as essential to reflect the market reality.
Second, we selected main supervising agents responsible for managing the export organizations of co-brands. The export-specialized organizations have to sustain the abilities as follows: ① secure the supply for export, ② maintain quality, ③ manage product safety, and ④ possess skills for overseas marketing. The main supervising agents are selected after evaluating such abilities among existing exporters.
Lastly, in order to maintain the co-branding project of forest products as a continuous export promotion project, we suggest a long-term road map for each export item for the whole exporting process, which includes management of production, commercialization, and branding.
1. Chestnut
The product specification for chestnut has been created after analyzing the target export country’s needs and buying patterns. Separate product specifications are also developed for peeled and unpeeled chestnuts to boost customer awareness and confidence of the product. The sorting and class standards of chestnut were conceived separately for the unpeeled and peeled chestnuts according to their target export countries: a specification for the export of unpeeled chestnuts to the United States and France, the two major target countries for export, and a specification for the export of peeled chestnuts to Japan.
An underlying strategy to systematically develop co-brands for chestnut export was conceptualized through a 10-year mid/long-term road map.
The first stage (1~3 year) is management foundation stage, which aims to carry out export activities jointly through the merger of export-specialized organization and export agency.
The second stage (3-6 years) is infrastructure development stage, which aims to vitalize the co-brand by creating a competitive export infrastructure. Establishing the infrastructure includes not only physical assets but also technical and organizational infrastructure. Operation of an export-specialized complex for chestnut is a very important task for accelerating chestnut export. The export-specialized complex has several important purposes. First, it will increase the share of contract farming. Second, education and coordination between the farms of the export-specialized complex will facilitate the conversion of the farm’s perspective on the organization and product quality. Domestic production of chestnut has traditionally been concentrated in the southern part (Gyeongsangnam-do) of the country. However, in recent years the production has been the greatest in Chungcheongnam-do and Chungcheongbuk-do (Buyeo, Gongju, and Chungju). Therefore, designating Chungcheongnam-do and Chungcheongbuk-do as the specialized export complex of chestnut will maximize the efficiency of complex operation, exportation, and quality control.
The third stage (6-10years) is the consolidation of a co-brand at the national level with the support of a national organization. This consolidation aims to give the management of a joint chestnut brand the ability to independently make decisions on export activities. By controlling the whole export process from cultivation to packaging, shipping, and joint overseas marketing, the national organization can achieve quality standardization and brand competitiveness represented in the co-brand “Corearam.”
2. Shiitake Mushroom
In the case of "KOSH," the shiitake co-brand, we classify the product into two categories: fresh shiitake and dry shiitake. Then we suggest appropriate managing strategies for each category. The quality standards of dry shiitake are mainly based on market circumstances of main export markets (Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan). The quality standards of fresh shiitake are obtained differently depending on the target market (Asia and Europe-America).
First, in the case of dry shiitake, we need to establish an export-specialized organization by combining exporters and producers of shiitake in Jangheung and Geoje, the two major cultivation regions. Also, we need to support the construction of a distribution center to strengthen the ability of the export-specialized organization. Moreover, since dry shiitake has less time and distance constraints compared to fresh shiitake, the export-specialized organization of dry shiitake can expand into the national scope in the future.
In the case of fresh shiitake, however, it is difficult to transport them over long distances or store them for a long period. Therefore, we need to establish an export-specialized organization in a desirable location within Chungcheongnam-do, where Buyeo, Cheongyang and Nonsan, the three major cultivation areas of fresh shiitake, are located. Further, we need to provide support for the construction of infrastructure, such as "Cultivation Supply Center" for expansion of sawdust cultivation or cold storage facilities, and strengthen the ability of the export promotion organization. And since it will be easier to manage and achieve consistent performance of a fresh shiitake co-brand, it would be more wise to develop the fresh shiitake export industry as a local specialty industry in the Chungnam region than to expand it into a national industry as in the case of dry shiitake.
3. Persimmon
Quality grade standards for persimmons are suggested for non-astringent persimmons, dried persimmons, half-dried persimmons, and sliced-dried persimmons. As for the size of non-astringent persimmons, the original plan was to apply the quality grade standard of sweet persimmons. But since the seedless Cheongdo flat persimmons are smaller than the size S, an alternative standard is suggested, and the quality standards for dried persimmons, half-dried persimmons, and sliced-dried persimmons are made to reflect the test results of moisture content and sugar level of persimmons harvested in 2011.
The first step of a long-term plan is to form an export-leading organization through a union between the current export promotion agency and exporting companies. The second step is to build an infrastructure necessary for export, which includes facilities and technical, structural environment. In the final stage, a joint brand can be developed after establishing an export complex for processed persimmons through the combination of chief production districts of each product category with nearby cultivation areas.
- 제1장 연구개요
제2장 임산물 수급 및 수출 동향
제3장 품목별·수출 목표시장 동향 및 특징
제4장 수출형 임산물 공동브랜드 및 수출전문조직 육성방안
제5장 수출형 임산물 공동브랜드 품질관리를 위한 품목별‧국가별 품위규격
제6장 수출형 임산물 공동브랜드 관리 방안
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 수출형 임산물 공동브랜드 관리를 위한 품질관리 방안
- 임산물; 브랜드
발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/19930
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