Korea Rural Economic Institue

농림수산업 에너지 소비변화 요인 분석

영문 제목
The Determinants of the Changes in the Energy Consumption Patterns in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Sectors
김한호;  김재경
The aims of this study are to analyze the patterns of energy consumptions in agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors (AFF sectors hereafter) and to identify the deterministic factors underlying the changes in the patterns during the last two decades, particularly since 1995. The analysis includes indirect energy consumptions in other sectors induced by the production of AFF sectors as well as direct energy consumptions in the sectors, which differentiates this study from previous ones. In addition, we attempt to make energy input-output tables and decompose structurally the changes in total energy consumptions (encompassing both direct and indirect consumptions) of AFF sectors based on the tables. It turned out that total energy consumptions in the sectors had increased until around 2000 and have been gradually decreasing afterward, and that this fluctuation has been mainly led by the structural change in the composition of energy consumptions in AFF sectors and improved efficiencies of energy consumptions in livestock sector.

The aims of this study are to analyze the patterns of energy consumptions in agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors (AFF sectors hereafter) and to identify the deterministic factors underlying the changes in the patterns during the last two decades, particularly since 1995. The analysis includes indirect energy consumptions in other sectors induced by the production of AFF sectors as well as direct energy consumptions in the sectors, which differentiates this study from previous ones. In addition, we attempt to make energy input-output tables and decompose structurally the changes in total energy consumptions (encompassing both direct and indirect consumptions) of AFF sectors based on the tables. It turned out that total energy consumptions in the sectors had increased until around 2000 and have been gradually decreasing afterward, and that this fluctuation has been mainly led by the structural change in the composition of energy consumptions in AFF sectors and improved efficiencies of energy consumptions in livestock sector.
1. 서론
2. 에너지 산업연관표 기반 구조분해분석법
3. 농림수산업 중심의 에너지 산업연관표 작성
4. 농림수산업 에너지 소비변화 구조분해분석
5. 결론
page. 111 - 135
에너지 산업연관표; 구조분해분석; 에너지 소비변화; energy input-output table; structural decomposition analysis; change in energy use
발간물 유형
보고서 번호
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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