떫은감의 수출 상품화 및 시장개척 연구

한국의 떫은감 생산은 2000년부터 꾸준히 증가추세를 보여, 몇 년 후 공급과잉까지 우려되고 있는 실정으로 밤·표고에 이어 단기소득임산물 수출에서 중요한 품목으로 자리 잡아 가고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 떫은감의 다양한 가공 상품화와 수출시장 발굴로 소비확대와 수출증대를 위한 방안 마련이 필요하다.

본 보고서에서는 떫은감의 주요 수출시장으로 가능성이 높은 미국, 일본, 싱가포르 및 말레이시아를 선정하였으며, 각 국가의 현지조사 및 문헌조사를 통하여 한국산 떫은감 수출 상품화 전략을 서술하였다. 주요 수출시장을 대상으로 수입제도, 소비동향, 가격동향 등에 대한 조사를 통하여 국가별 수출 상품화 전략을 제시하였고, 품질 규격화를 위한 떫은감 수출전문조직화, 조직의 기준, 임가 규약 등의 매뉴얼 작성을 통해 수출전문조직 생성에 기여하고, 농가 및 수출조직의 품질관리 방안을 모색하여 최종적으로 떫은감 수출을 확대하기 위한 방안을 연구하였다.
The world production of persimmons in 2010 was 4.04 million tons, and most of them were produced in China. However, the world trade volume is extremely low accounting for only 1% of total production. The total cultivation area of astringent persimmons in Korea was 16,564ha in 2010 and the production volume is about 100,000 tons. The production amount has been increasing rapidly since 1997 and as a result it is necessary to improve the export infrastructure. For this purpose, it is necessary to establish export organizations that can not only help develop new products for export and open up new markets but also reinforce the export by producers and exporting companies.
Currently, it is evaluated that the potential of tannin-reduced persimmons for export to the Southeast Asian market is high and, therefore, it is necessary to utilize niche markets and periods by exporting astringent persimmons before the shipment of non-astringent persimmons. What is also required are technology and equipment development to reduce the astringency of the fruit, and exporters and the government need to provide assistance with great interest. In order to secure a stable supply of high-quality persimmons, it is necessary to build and manage specialized production complexes that can readily supply astringent persimmons for export. Also, it is necessary to equip a system so that specialized production complexes can supply persimmons to export organizations.
In order to stimulate the export of tannin-removed astringent persimmons, the agricultural cooperative of Doju and Ever Good Corporation signed an MOU to form an organization specializing in the export of persimmons and successfully completed their first shipment. In the case of dried, sliced persimmons, Elim Trading Inc. and Doju signed an MOU to form a company specializing in the export of dried, sliced persimmons and successfully completed their first shipment to Malaysia and laid a new ground in the market through a special sales event with a big local distributor.
In order to open up new markets for astringent persimmons, the study examined export markets in the US, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia and Hong Kong, where there have been persimmons exported by Korea and China and where there are processed persimmons on the market with consumers other than Korean expatriates. It is evaluated that in markets where there is some level of consumer awareness about Korean persimmons, it will be possible to enter into the markets by adopting a joint marketing strategy to sell dried sliced persimmons together with other Korean persimmons or by adopting a strategy that differentiates Korean persimmons from dried persimmons of China. It is expected that development of processed persimmon products suitable for each market can increase added value of Korean astringent persimmons. Accordingly, the study selected the US, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia as export-promising markets and devised plans to increase persimmon exports in each market by finding out about the trends of production, consumption and export of astringent persimmons and other related food products.
First, more US consumers are seeking the value, convenience and safety of foods after the recent slowdown of the economy. In addition, the convenience food market has grown larger than it has ever been due to busy lifestyle. Since US consumers are paying greater attention to improving their health, it is evaluated that there is a high chance for the health snack and syrup market to grow. Thus, it seems likely that health snacks added with astringent persimmons and natural syrup can advance into the US market. First of all, it is necessary to secure a demand base by increasing the Korean community's market share in the US market through localization. As for small packaged products, profits can increase by differentiating the price from that of Chinese products. Also, the snack ingredient supply network can be taken over with bulk food. When entering into the US market, distributing companies and marketing agents can be used to handle the tight customs process, and the method of acquiring a food safety assurance to promote astringent persimmons as a wellbeing food of nutritional value can be employed.
Second, as for the market entry of dried persimmons into the Japanese market, it is necessary to produce high-quality, high value-added persimmons above others. But since most domestic producers and processing companies are small, it is necessary to build up the ability to stably supply high-quality dried persimmons through producer associations and systemic support. There is a growing interest in Korean foods and, as a result, exports of such products as hot pepper paste, ramyeon, kimchi, canned foods, and the seaweed gim are rising. If such a trend is well utilized in the marketing of processed persimmon products, a great effect can be achieved. According to our assessment, it will be possible to promote the sales of hot pepper paste added with persimmon powder by highlighting the benefits of persimmons. Also, utilization of the current marketing network for Korean foodstuffs in Japan could boost the export of processed astringent persimmon products to Japan.
Lastly, there is a high possibility to open up the markets in Singapore and Malaysia as more local people have a better understanding of Korea as a result of the recent `Korean wave'. In the case of sliced dried persimmons, improving the packaging and processing method to meet consumer taste and extend the shelf life can help increase exports. In the case of tannin-removed persimmons, it looks likely that the fruit can be competitive in the market with respect to sugar content and size if the tannin-removal technology is improved and tannin removal period is adjusted.
제1장 연구개요
제2장 떫은감 수급 및 수출동향
제3장 떫은감 수출 가능국 조사
제4장 떫은감 수출 유망시장 발굴 및 품목선정
제5장 떫은감 수출전문조직 조성 및 운영 프로그램 개발
제6장 떫은감 수출 상품화 전략
(제3세부)떫은감 수출유망시장 발굴 및 시장개척 연구: 떫은감의 수출 상품화 및 시장개척 연구(3의3차년도)
떫은감; 수출; 감
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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