경상남도는 성공적인 브랜드화 추진을 통한 경남 농산물의 인지도 제고 및 파워브랜드 육성의 필요성을 인식하고 2008년 경남 과일 공동브랜드인 ‘이로로' 명품브랜드를 개발하였다. 그리고 2009년 12월 ‘이로로' 상품의 국내시장 출시가 이루어져 현재까지 지속되고 있다. 그러나 이로로 상품 출시 3년차 인 2011년 현재 성공적인 명품브랜드화 사업 추진의 성장 정체와 저해요인이 노출되고 있다.
이 연구의 목적은 지속적인 개방화·글로벌화, 급속한 농산물 유통환경 변화에 적절하고 신속하게 대응하기 위하여 경남의 과일 공동브랜드인 '이로로' 명품브랜드의 성공적 브랜드화 추진과 시장 활성화를 위한 브랜드 리모델링 계획을 수립하는데 있다. The purpose of this research is to establish a Brand Remodeling Plan for the implementation of successful launching of fine brand "Irroro", a joint fruit brand of Gyeongnam Province and the activation of market for the "Irroro" brand to properly and promptly cope with the continuous opening and globalization of market and the rapid changes in distribution environment of agricultural products.
The problems of the "Irroro" brand project are revealed from diversified aspects such as the brand development, the participation of farmers, implementation method, management system, structuring and branding. First of all, various advance preparatory works for brand development were judged to be relatively insufficient in a sense that the preparatory works were done in relatively short period of time, core value of brand was not established and the identity of the brand was not built up either. And the formation of consensus of the subject for the participation for the "Irroro" brand appeared to be insufficient, and the selection of proper items through thorough market survey was relatively inappropriate in the selection of the target items.
Second, robust and elaborate structuring of participating farmers which constitutes the most important factor for success of joint brand stands at extremely insufficient level while it is judged that in reality the establishment of the base for branding for which strict control and rule is required is not done yet due to loose management system.
Third, it seemed that the establishment of systematic and professional operation and management organization for "Irroro" brand has not been done yet. Pursuant to this, efficient management of brand marketing has not been done in the absence of pertinent professional manpower. Especially, proper target market and positioning were unable to be set and thus the establishment and operation of marketing mix strategy has not been done systematically.
As a remodeling plan for "Irroro" brand project, important tasks such as the maintenance of base for the "Irroro" brand through the structuring of participating farmers based on the implementation of branding and the improvement of management and operation system, large scale maintenance of the operating system related to the fostering of existing "Irroro" brand, the improvement of the structure of "Irroro" brand operation corporation, the conversion of mid-term and long-term operation structure and the improvement of participating farmers selection method were derived as important tasks.
Lastly, as a remodeling plan for the "Irroro" brand marketing strategy, the following items were suggested to be necessary: the improvement of the "Irroro" goods strategy and the securing of sufficient quantity, the improvement of the "Irroro" product specification criteria, the securing of quantity for the supply which accords with target market, the improvement of pricing strategy to diversified price levels, diversification of distribution channel and the enhancement of the efficiency of publicity strategy.
Researchers: Jeon Chang-gon, Ha Hong-geun
E-mail: cgjeon@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 유통환경 변화와 농산물 브랜드화
제3장 이로로 브랜드 육성사업 실태 및 문제점
제4장 이로로 브랜드 참여자 조사 분석
제5장 이로로 브랜드 활성화 대책
제6장 글로벌 우수 농산물 공동브랜드 사례 분석