국가산채산업클러스터 조성방안

영문 제목
A Study on Constructing and Developing the National Wild Edible plant Industry Cluster
경북 영양군에 경북 북부권역과 강원 남부권역 및 충북 북부권역을 아우르는 국가산채산업클러스터를 조성하여 산채의 생산에서 가공·판매에 이르는 전 과정을 현대화하고 연구·개발 및 관련 산업을 집적함으로써 부가가치를 높이고 수출을 확대하여 경북 영양군과 북부권역의 신성장동력을 창출하고자 함.
While people are highly interested in healthy living recently with their increasing income, there is an increasing demand for highly functional and high quality food. In particular, as wild edible plants are recognized as a nature-friendly, healthy and green food source, there is a great demand for them from consumers.
While wild edible plants are a high income source for farmers who grow them, they are expanded to related industries, e.g., local festivals, tourism, development of processed food and the like to contribute to greatly vitalizing local economy. Therefore, relevant municipalities in which wild edible plants are cultivated are promoting plans for developing the wild edible plant food industry. However, while there is an sharply increasing demand for wild edible plants, there is not smooth supply to inhibit expansion of the wild edible plant market.
The purpose of this research is to increase the added value to create new growth power for the northern Gyeongbuk region by constructing a national wild edible plant industry cluster centered on the northern Gyeongbuk region, modernizing the entire process of production, distribution and processing of wild edible plants and integrating research, development and related industries. Therefore, this research focuses on presenting a scheme for constructing a national wild edible plant industry cluster and vitalizing operation thereof and reviews an essential promotion system, investment plan and financing scheme for executing the plan for constructing the national wild edible plant industry cluster. Details of each chapter are as follows.
Chapter 1 describes overview of research, e.g., background, purpose, methods, details, scope and procedure of this research. Chapter 2 describes the current process and problems of supply and demand, distribution and processing of wild edible plants, pine mushrooms, woods-grown ginseng, and proposes to construct an industry cluster as a strategy for development. Chapter 3 reviews the necessity of constructing the national wild edible plant industry cluster, involved strategies, and cases of Korean and overseas food industry clusters. Chapter 4 describes analysis of strength and weakness, opportunities and threats in the wild edible plant industry in the northern Gyeongbuk region including Yeongyang, Bonghwa and Wooljin, etc., and presents the purpose of cultivating the wild edible plant industry as a clean, high value-added new growth power industry to be a vision for the national wild edible plant industry cluster and to expand the production scale, support the food processing industry and establish local brands. The strategy for promotion includes construction of a wild edible plant industry cluster complex, industrialization of the wild edible plant industry as the 6th industry, and organization of farmers and distribution. Chapter 5 describes spacial divisions and locations for the national wild edible plant industry cluster, how to enhance cultivation and production of wild edible plants, improving of distribution, supporting the processing industry, tourism, vitalizing urban-rural exchange, R&D, etc. Chapter 7 reviews the scheme of investment and the promotion system for constructing and developing the national wild edible plant industry cluster.

Researchers: Seok-Doo Park, Nae-One Oh, Ji-Hyun Choi, Chang-Ho Kim
Research period: 2010. 6. - 2011. 2.
E-mail address: sdpark@krei.re.kr
제1장 연구개요
제2장 산채·송이·산양삼의 생산·유통·가공 현황
제3장 산채산업클러스터의 필요성과 관련 정책 및 국내외 산업클러스터 사례
제4장 산채산업클러스터의 비전·목표·전략·과제
제5장 산채산업클러스터의 조성 및 발전 방안
제6장 산채산업클러스터의 투자계획과 추진체제
산채식품클러스터 조성방안 연구
산채산업; 클러스터
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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