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dc.description.abstract농어촌서비스기준은 ‘농어촌 주민들이 일상생활을 영위하는 데 요구되는 최소한의 공공서비스 항목과 수준’을 대통령령으로 정한 국가적 기준이다. 정부는 농어촌서비스기준이 본격적으로 시행된 2011년부터 한국농촌경제연구원으로 하여금 업무위탁을 통해 그 이행실태를 매년 점검·평가하도록 하고 있다. 본 연구는 동 업무위탁에 의해 농어촌서비스기준의 이행실태를 점검·평가하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 2012 농어촌서비스기준 이행실태 점검·평가는 크게 두 부분으로 구성된다. 첫째는 연차별 공통 추진업무 부분인데, 이는 2011년도와 마찬가지로 점검통계와 이행지수를 활용하여 농어촌서비스기준의 이행실태를 점검·평가하는 것이다. 둘째는 연차별 특별 추진업무 부분으로 농어촌 도로·교통 분야에 대한 심화연구와 농어촌서비스기준 개정 방안으로 구성하였다. 농어촌서비스기준 이행실태를 점검·평가한 결과 2011년에 비해 이행 정도가 전반적으로 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 즉 이행실태가 향상된 세부기준 수가 29개, 정체인 세부기준 수가 3개, 그리고 하락한 세부기준은 4개로 나타났다. 주거 부문의 세부기준 이행실태가 전반적으로 향상된 반면, 교육, 복지, 응급, 문화 부문에서 각각 1개의 세부기준 이행 정도가 하락하였다. 그간 관련 중앙행정기관이나 각 지자체가 농어촌 주민의 삶의 질 향상을 위해 노력한 결과가 나타나고 있는 것이라 사료된다. 이 외에 본 연구는 다양한 조사·분석을 통해 2013년에 시행될 농어촌서비스기준 수정안도 함께 제시하였다.-
dc.description.abstractThe Rural Services Standard is a set of national service standards prescribed by the Presidential Decree to set the types of public services and their quality levels required for rural residents to lead daily lives. Every year since 2011 when the standard was enforced in earnest, Korea Rural Economic Institute has been examining and evaluating the implementation of the standard as entrusted by the government. Under such a background, this study aims to examine and evaluate the implementation of the rural services standard. The examination and evaluation of how the rural services standard was implemented in 2012 consists mostly of two parts. The first part covers the implementation of common rural services that are implemented annually, and the implementation of the standard is examined and evaluated using the examined statistics and the implementation index used for 2011. The second part, on the other hand, covers the implementation of annual special services, and it consists of an extensive research into rural roads and transportation and a plan to improve the rural services standard. The examination and evaluation results of how well the rural services standard were implemented in 2012 show an overall improvement compared to 2011. Specifically, the number of rural services standard that were better implemented stands at 29, whereas three remained stagnant and four deteriorated. The housing standards showed an overall improvement, whereas one case of worse standard implementation could be seen in each one of the following categories: education, welfare, emergency, and culture. The current state of implementing rural services standard was examined for each government ministry, and the results showed that it deteriorated in the following fields: closing down of schools (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology), reading promotion (Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism), infant care (Ministry of Health and Welfare); and emergency service (National Emergency Management Agency). But, with the exception of the above service standards, most service standards were implemented better than the ones in the previous year. This study analyzed the regional suitability and achievability of the current services standard, as well as the public service satisfaction level of rural residents and policy demand. Based on the analysis results and after consultations with the Life Quality Improvement Committee and the Rural Services Standard Council, a final revision plan is set up for the services standard which will be implemented in 2013. In the revised plan, the current service standard are reconstructed to consist of 32 service types in 9 categories from the current 31 service types in 8 categories. A new category of ‘safety' is added to the standard along with the three service types of ‘police patrol', ‘crime prevention equipment (currently ‘theft prevention'), and ‘police dispatch (currently police service)'.Researchers: Kwang-Sun Kim, Jong-Hyun Chae and Byeong-Seok Yoon.Research Period: 2012.5~2012.12E-mail Address: yeskskim@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 2012년 농어촌서비스기준 이행실태 점검제3장 2012년 농어촌서비스기준 이행실태 평가제4장 농어촌서비스기준 개선 방향제5장 농어촌 공공서비스 부문별 집중 분석: 도로·교통 부문 제6장 이행실태 종합평가와 2013년 농어촌서비스기준 수정안-
dc.title2012 농어촌서비스기준 이행실태 점검·평가-
dc.title.alternativeMonitoring the Implementation of Rural Services Standard-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Kwangsun-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameChae, Jonghyun-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameYoon, Byoungseok-
dc.relation.isPartOf농어업인 삶의 질 향상위원회 전문지원기관 업무위탁-
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