Korea Rural Economic Institue

농촌기업생태계 경쟁력 지표 설정 분석

영문 제목
Analysis of Competitiveness Indicators in Rural Business Ecosystem
이진홍;  김용렬;  서윤정
In recent years, transformation of rural industries into high-valued and more complex industries based on agricultural production has been accelerating. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has focused on rural industry development for promoting indigenous local industries, regional agricultural clusters and the food industry. The problems that have surfaced in the rural industry sector are lack of the capitalization effect and the changeover from livelihood-type agriculture to an industrial ecosystem. Thus, measures to build business systems based on endogenous rural vitalization, regional economic growth, and convergence of rural industries are urgently needed. In this situation, this study aims to set up business ecosystems of rural industries based on productivity, robustness and niche creation. Also, we evaluate these factors with 15 agricultural experts using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). According to the AHP analysis, the niche creation in business ecosystems represents the largest portion at 46.5 percent, followed by the productivity at 31.9 percent and the robustness at 21.5 percent. This study suggests that the basic direction of business ecosystems should be geared toward making them sustainable business by sharing values and saving social capital.

In recent years, transformation of rural industries into high-valued and more complex industries based on agricultural production has been accelerating. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has focused on rural industry development for promoting indigenous local industries, regional agricultural clusters and the food industry. The problems that have surfaced in the rural industry sector are lack of the capitalization effect and the changeover from livelihood-type agriculture to an industrial ecosystem. Thus, measures to build business systems based on endogenous rural vitalization, regional economic growth, and convergence of rural industries are urgently needed. In this situation, this study aims to set up business ecosystems of rural industries based on productivity, robustness and niche creation. Also, we evaluate these factors with 15 agricultural experts using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). According to the AHP analysis, the niche creation in business ecosystems represents the largest portion at 46.5 percent, followed by the productivity at 31.9 percent and the robustness at 21.5 percent. This study suggests that the basic direction of business ecosystems should be geared toward making them sustainable business by sharing values and saving social capital.
1. 서 론
2. 자료 및 접근 방법
3. 농촌기업생태계 경쟁력 요소 계층구조화
4. AHP 분석 결과 및 해석
5. 요약 및 결론
page. 113 - 133
농촌산업; 기업생태계; AHP; Analytic Hierarchy Process; rural industry; business ecosystem; AHP; Analytic Hierarchy Process
발간물 유형
보고서 번호
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
공개 및 라이선스
  • 공개 구분공개
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